I reckon if we made a thing that could carry between 5 and 8 people, made it out of very thin metal and plastic, allow it to travel at 100km/hr but capable of much more... we could have a lot of these things running about travelling towards each other at closing speeds of 200km/hr and we will keep them separated by a 4 inch painted line. About 3500 people a year will be killed in them and most incidents won't even make the news. The person in charge of this thing will have very little formal training, mostly by a well meaning family member, they won't need to be deemed medically fit until they hit old age and there will be no security checks or a need to be able to read signage that we would put up everywhere. There would be no requirement to regularly prove that you are still competent. We could call them.... "motor cars"......
I hope for two things.... that we stop accepting this many deaths as par for the course and that we never never get this blasé with aviation related fatalities.