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Everything posted by biggles5128

  1. Pretty sure that Cessna 310 I flew had the wing at the bottom..........
  2. Tell that to the volcanoes that erupt around the world, the amount of co2 and emissions from that event are not equalled by any developed county that I can think of. Sorry but just can't swallow the BS from governments about this subject.
  3. I have an Alpaca to guard my lambs, he is very good at his job... never heard him complain once about aircraft noise.
  4. Would someone a bit smarter than me like to do some sums on the viability of an insurance co op for us members. Like most I pay around 3k a year, so far have given the b@stards around 18k and not a single claim. I am sure that even a 1k a year into the pool with only 50 members would still be a good risk, don't you think.
  5. Ive got a headache from hanging upside down....
  6. I flew in there years ago back in a time forgotten era... you know GA, great event.
  7. Sorry rdarby didn't mean to reply on your post.... Big thumbs on a little iPhone. I meant would love to go but have an in changeable plan that weekend, either side of that would be fine...
  8. "Missed by That much....."
  9. In the interest of safety, would you enlighten us all on the particular problems...............
  10. Thought that I would get in early, my aircraft is not due for renewal until June/July so sent an email off to RA AUS to ask if there was any information missing from my file that I could supply now, well before renewal so as to avoid being grounded.. Reply, your file will be audited upon renewal payment. So not sure if early payment will see that happen or only at renewal date.
  11. Could see that happening on the Gateway...........
  12. Yes the paddock was fairly level to start with just hips and hollows from previous cultivations. We had the grader work done in a day and then a couple of days working the mesh and roller before seeding and a final mesh and roll.
  13. There is no real crown as such in the strip just a very subtle spoon drain on the sides which was a result of the skim off the top from the grader. My only concern with others operating out of here would be potential litigation, so will be looking into that. 7 days after seeding and I have green shoots already so starting to take shape.
  14. Finally got the strip done, sprayed out the area, put the grader to work then rolled the strip. Using an air seeder we planted Fescue and fertiliser then dragged mesh behind the bike to break up the small clods then a final roll. The rains came the next day so all good. Just have to wait for it to grow now while I ponder the hangar.
  15. I find that the skid ball in the steam gauge reads different to the ball on the Dynon, I seem to trust the Dynon more as it feels right in the seat of the pants too.
  16. Super king air but only for a week or two, but i'm with Howard, did a fair bit of time in Barons, just love em...........
  17. I agree Maj, however Rotax is not an option from Jabiru if you want a cert aircraft and one of the best airframes around.... Maybe my choice may have been different if I knew what I know now, however do not have the coin to change to another aircraft with a different powerplant so I am trying to get the best I can out of what I have.
  18. Don't rely on stated TBO figures, spend a little insurance money and rip the heads off at 300hrs and you will sleep better. Just as well they are no where near as costly to do that as say a Rotax. Some will argue that that should not be necessary with todays engines, however if you do this, you will in my opinion be giving yourself the best chance of not having to make an unscheduled landing in a paddock, or worse.
  19. The app is called Flight Radar 24, think it was a couple of bucks, great entertainment though.
  20. Interestingly enough, I have an app on my phone which has radar tracking of aircraft etc, this app also sends an alert when an aircraft in the world squarks emergency codes. Yesterday I received an alert which when the app is opened, takes me to a satellite view with the aircraft superimposed over the top. This aircraft squared 7700 and I could see by the information provided in real time by the app that the altimetre was unwinding pretty rapidly, did not time the decent however remember thinking that it must have been a cabin pressure problem, as the aircraft defended to 11500 feet if I recall and I could see it diverting to Rockhampton. Great little app. I was able to watch my wifes aircraft all the way from Melbourne one time and saw it safely land in Brisbane. I could even see that it landed on 01.
  21. It is staggering to see that the pilot must have realised after that length of time that the aircraft was not gaining sufficient altitude and that he had still all that runway in front of him that he did not abort the take off and recalculate/reconfigure for that particular flight. Don't know what the hell he was thinking...
  22. The Clarence river at Grafton is about to peak at or near record levels. Those with hangars and aircraft at South Grafton are again dealing with the prospect of water damage. I recall a few years back when we had to tow our aircraft up the centre of the main road for some distance to find some high ground and then sit guard over the aircraft for a few days. Some have constructed winching systems to raise the aircraft, others just hope. The water level in the past has been over the roof of the club house there. Andy, hope all is ok with you.
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  23. This is turning out to be a very sad state of affairs indeed..... almost makes me regret leaving good old GA behind, not even CASA was this bad. The phrase "Divide and conquer" comes to mind.....
  24. FT, can I ask what brand of oil filter is being used on this jabiru engine??
  25. No maybe a local issue, just tried and got on no problems..
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