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Everything posted by meeks65

  1. Wanted - Turn and Bank and Directional Gyro steam gauges for Jabiru. Pic for Info
  2. Hi all and thanks for the replies. I ended up ringing Raa and they indicated that it was 'not permitted' although there may be a review of the rule in the next release of the ops manual.
  3. Hi all, I am moving from weight shift over to 3 axis and had a few questions I was hoping the go up could answer. I am wondering, can a J200/400, be changed from vh to raa, and then can the new owner train in the now 19 registered aircraft? I believe you need a 24 rego for training, but if I owned a 19 rego'ed aircraft, then I could obtain training in my own aircraft. Would that be permitted? Sorry if the answer is obvious to others. I had a look at previous posts but couldn't see an answer to what I was asking. Cheers Anthony
  4. Hi all, Anyone know of a cygnet/krucker out there for sale? With the 912, I read that they are probably the best platform for a amphibious weight shift trike. Cheers Anthony
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