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  1. Not about more governance Perhaps if RAAUS can be shown to have demonstrated good governance ie. following their own standards & procedures then there will be no issues. And given current RAAUS registered aircraft can be relatively fast and sophisticated and are a long way from the AUF beginnings its hard to find relevance.
  2. Maybe for some. Some questions it may raise for others will RAAUS continue to exist as it does now? Will an audit raise other governance issues? Should it continue or come back under the casa banner?
  3. Sure. Agree 💯 re referral doesn't mean it will go further. Just responded to your comment re inquiries vs Court. Thought, maybe wrongly, tad pedantic.
  4. Hmm. Hearings, not inquiries maybe. And held at the Coroner’s Court of Victoria https://www.coronerscourt.vic.gov.au/
  5. Coroner holds a Pilot License. I know nothing about the the experts. But many airline pilots start out as GA and RAAus instructor. One of our hangar neighbours owns and regularly flies a Jabiru along with his other aircraft. His day job is as an airline pilot. He is nowhere near retirement. Its a fairly common scenario.
  6. Yes. And yes. But others at Mt Beauty say there was a patch of blue. He did not have the training to correctly assess the weather and clearly thought he could climb out. He flew for 40 minutes before crashing. And smsd his fiance shortly before crashing without indicating concern or distress. You don't know what you don't know. And once again I say, he didn't take off expecting to crash. Adequate training may have helped him make a better decision on the day. And unfortunately we will never know whether training as per RAAUS's own framework would have made that difference.
  7. Of course he has some responsibility. But methinks RAAUS bears the brunt of it.. Lying to the Coroner, withholding information doesn't help their cause.
  8. Yes, but you, and they are basing your weather assessment on training & experience. I'm told by others at Mt Beauty that he took off during a brief lull between flights. A patch of blue was visible. He didn't expect to crash.
  9. Actually in my opinion you're wrong. Training won't ensure all decisions are sound. But does give an educated basis to form an opinion. Accelerated/shortened training removes that. You don't know what you don't know.
  10. Perhaps this accident has had an effect on timing. Given the review that is coming.
  11. RAAUS used to do investigations. They stopped during the process for this crash.
  12. Guessing this memo got missed. RAAUS definitely had lawyers there.
  13. "People are not understanding what they are hearing." Yep. Definitely applies to some. 🤷‍♂️ And some seem to have read news reports and be basing their comments on these. The Coroner's Findings are readily available, reattached here, but... COR 2022 005430 Form 37-Finding into Death Following Inquest_Signed.pdf
  14. I am no expert. But I thought the referral would cover more than the one board member? Perhaps those that knowingly tried to conceal information from the Coroner, including a senior employee who he was scathing about in the report?
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