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Builds By Baz

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Everything posted by Builds By Baz

  1. Yeah I've found a few there. Much of which is still functioning and priced accordingly. Added to that, the international shipping kills it. Thanks for your suggestion.
  2. Yes that's right. Can you help with instrument ID and sourcing at all?Baz.
  3. G'day all, new here and joined in the hopes you mob might know some stuff and perhaps help. (If the moderators think it more appropriate elsewhere on the forum, I'm happy for them to move it.) I'm looking to identify and source the MATCHING instruments in the cockpit of my Colonial Viper MK II, aiming for screen accuracy. To create the mock-up for the 2003 Battlestar Galactica series, the producers used real-world instruments from a variety of aircraft. To illustrate that I am serious about my inquiry, here's where I'm at so far with my life-sized build. When I first started making things, I was often greeted with, "yeah right" whenever I spoke of them. Not any more... Builds by Baz I've sourced photographs of the particular model (2003) and variant of cockpit from google image searching and some fan-based websites to help me complete what they started. I've ID'd most of them and have collected three. (King Radio KR80 ADF, turn indicator and altimeter.) Not only do I have to ID the rest, but SOURCE them. The instruments don't need to be in working condition as it's only for looks, so if anyone has any of these and would like to put your junk to good use, please send them my way. Happy to cover postage and a beer or two. Here's what I've got so far... Labelled. I've indicated the ones that I have already received. The problem I have, is most of the pics I am working from are not very clear. Other problems of specificity are things like the oil gauges, colour, numeric range and orientation. The oil gauge at the bottom right is sideways, but for the life of me I can't find one the same on the net. Here's a few reference pictures with gauges to identify and source. These are not instruments I know, but wondering if they are also from the aviation industry or something else entirely. In this last one, disregard the thin red circles and just concentrate on the thick red circle. See how the gauge is side oriented? Every other I find is facing up instead of the side.
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