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About RossK

  • Birthday 17/08/1971


  • Aircraft
    Evektor Sportstar
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  1. All true, but it makes a bucket load of power for it's size, burns little fuel (comparably), will make it's 2000hr TBO with basic maintenance and just works consistantly and reliably. Take in all the above and it's no wonder it's being copied. I hope Zonsen do well. We run a couple of industrial aluminium saws sourced from China, they are now 9 years old and have performed flawlessly.
  2. When I read "Smashed on my airstrip"... my first thought was, Pilots behaving badly....🍻
  3. The VFR routes suck IMHO. They are typically any combination of narrow, near mountains, low level and over water. What they have over Avalon is ideal. A nice chunk of Class E, high above the field out of the way - too easy.
  4. I renewed my Basic Class 2 today. So easy, printed the form, went to my GP, who bulk bills, he filled in his bits, and signed and stamped it. Completed the online bit in MyCasa, paid my $10 and voila... Basic Class 2 issued, and emailed. Yes, Class 5 is easier, but the Basic Class 2 is pretty easy (and cheap) also. Disclaimer - I'm 53 with no medical conditions.
  5. On Topic.... If RAAus want to give better value to members, they would support the installation of Mogas at airfields. Most RAAus aircraft will run very happily on 98 Mogas, and most Lycomings will too.
  6. Continuing the thread drift...... I agree with you on the pilots responsibility for taking off in the first place, but the trouble for RAAus in this one is they knew the training wasn't adequate and he shouldn't have been issued a XC endorsement. Instead they sat on their hands and then tried to hide the evidence from the coroner. A highly resepcted, long serving employee of RAAus "retired" very quickly after this came to light.
  7. Engine design does come into it. We run 2 late model V6 commodores, and from what I've heard is that the piston-bore clearance was enlarged to reduce friction and improve fuel ecomomy. These are the dirtyest engines I've seen, 10,000km and the oil is black as black. They are also known to be oil burners, 1-2 litres every 10,000 is common. Holdens spec for them is up to 3L/10,000km - thats nearly half the sump capacity. Very reliable and fuel efficient, yes. But I dont run them to the 15,000km suggested service interval without an oil and filter change.
  8. The point of the avweb article was the pilot had 2 options, ditch or land on a suburban street. The TBM Avenger ditching at sun and fun - had the option of landing on the beach. The Piper ditching in WA also had a beach landing option Both chose ditching and walked away. So when you ditch, it may not be the only option. But it may just be the better one.
  9. Also this https://www.avweb.com/multimedia/votw/miami-accident-dont-be-fearful-of-ditching/
  10. When I did my RPL flight reveiw, it was all on the Tablet. Only requirement was I had a backup - another tablet or paper charts.
  11. Nice Mike, although it looks very steep up hill at the end 😁 We overflew your place last saturday morning.
  12. Our Sportstar is regitered as a Factory built LSA, which get 23 rego. When converting it from VH to RAA we were told that as an LSA, it could not be run on condition, as it must be maintained as per the manufacturers book. Only way around it would be to convert to E23 rego.
  13. 😁 Other owner is on this forum! Back on topic - Overall, happy with the headset for the price.
  14. Thanks, we got a Garmin SL60 Nav/Com as the Radio with a PS Eng PM 1000 Intercom. I've looked up the manual for the SL60 and can see how to change the Side Tone and Headset Volume from the settings. Will that affect the passenger volume though? If this is the only was to improve the volume, I can do that, but would have to change it and revert back to original settings every flight as the plane has 2 owners, and it seems to be only this headset that needs the adjustment.
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