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Everything posted by RossK

  1. The recent Redbull one is also interesting. Whilst the Redbull guys may have done a lot more research and testing with safety measures inplace, they still jumped out of working aircraft (leaving them unmanned) with the result being one crashing. All done after the FAA rejected their application to perform the stunt.
  2. Jabiru J430 is supplied as a kit with MTOW 760kg. Build it without the rear seats and you've got a huge baggage area and a typical usefull load of 300kg with full fuel.
  3. The strip at Phillip Island was bought by a deveopler with the intent to close it all and put houses on it. Council rejected the plan apparently. So the developers response was to stop maintaining it and put crosses at the end. It's now a heliport only strip. Why he doesn't develop it into an airpark is beyond me, that way he would get some return from it an keep the strip active.
  4. Ooohhh, turbine sounds ✈️ Start up
  5. The flaw in the whole system is that someone with bad intentions is not going to apply for an ASIC or AVID. Only law abiding citizens get them, or those forced to, to do their job. You can leave from a small local field and simply fly into a regional airport with RPT aircraft and voila, you have access to a much larger aircraft. After typing this - I'm probably going to get flagged by big brother and have my Red Card revoked.
  6. Rotaries are typically high wear, short TBO engines though.
  7. Sheesh some are hard to please 🙄 They have a flying version, in an established airframe, give it time guys, they are well ahead of the local develpement, as are these guys; https://www.turbotech-aero.com/solutions/#turboprop flying version in this; https://news.jmbaircraft.com/2022/turbine/ No affiliation with either.
  8. The predominant black pigment is actually Black Iron oxide. Carbon blacks are typically used where you need a deeper black or "jet black"
  9. Bruce, the figures are also based around stall speeds. There are some airframes that will happily carry more than 600kg but won't meet the 45kt stall speed. Our own Sportstar has an official MTOW of 575kg, but there is an Evektor Bulletin that increases this to 600kg with the addition of VG's. So, pay the $$ to Evektor for the paperwork, fit VGs, submit paperwork to RAA and an extra 25kg presto...🙂
  10. Which is why I plot starting fuel (top right of the red line) all the way to zero fuel (bottom left), at all fuel quanties the CofG is within the envelope. We saw one W&B cert for a plane that had to have a minimum of 50lt in the tanks to keep within the envelope with 2POB, 90Lt tanks, so usable fuel of 40L!!
  11. Update, still haven't committed to buying another tablet. The first flight mentioned above with the iPad mini, it was sitting on the passenger seat or my knee as I had previously done with the iPad Pro. For last weeks flight to Mt Gambier, I used a Ram mount and it lasted fine, both there are back. I positioned the Ram mount on my left, attached to the canopy with the suction mount, just next to the vent and had the vent slightly open. I think the combination of vertical orientation (less direct sun on the screen) and airflow obviously helps, both days it was only 21deg at ground level, and once we got above the cloud we actually had the cabin heat on, so not a direct comparison to the first effort. I'm still going to buy another tablet in the near future as the borrowed mini is only wifi, no GPS or network connection.
  12. Good post above by TP. It's not hard to know your MTOW and WB for each flight. I've got a spread sheet on my phone with a WB envelope. Enter Crew wt, baggage wt and fuel qty and it plots my WB for the endurance of the tanks. example below is from our trip to Mt Gambier, 165kg Crew wt, 17kg baggage, 95lt of fuel. (baggage includes tie down kit, travel cover, headsets, collapsible fuel bags and our travel bag.) Get a $10 spring balance and everything can be weighed before it goes in the plane. It's not hard. When we were looking at aircraft to buy, one of the first things we asked for was the planes W&B cert. I will add, that at YLIL, W&B was taught and tested during RPC training.
  13. Took Thursday and Friday off to go to Mt Gambier. Left Lilydale at 9:30am Tracked across the City via the Coastal VFR Route, And then ran into this before we got to Geelong, and still under the 4500ft Class C step So tracked north for a while, until we could pop up over it, which ended up being close to Ballarat! Over hamilton, had a quick chat to a REX pilot departing Mt Gambier who confirmed VFR conditions at YMTG, which allowed us to press on knowing we could get down. Well worth the trip, plenty to see and do.
  14. It's gone, I dont understand why they would detroy it. surely a plane that can move 5 tanks around the country at 800km/h would have been an asset?
  15. Because I've learnt there is no point arguing on a forum with people such as yourself. Your opinion is yours, I just don't think this is the right forum for you to share it.
  16. All in all, a great outcome.
  17. You're comparing Ukraine to 2001 Afghanistan??? Really? 😵
  18. Are you advocating that the West sits back and does nothing whilst a meglomaniac invades a sovereign nation, killing thousands of innocent people? If so, I don't think this is the right forum for this discussion.
  19. Ah, the bubble canopy low wing planes are coming to the fore now.... We could replace the canopy with a turret!! 😲
  20. I think it's because by the time you realise you need to move, it's too late...
  21. Wait, wait !! I haven't got my popcorn......
  22. Looks like its been in an open ended hangar for some time, going by this pic Dirty SR22
  23. Antonov actually have a second AN-225 that was never finished. Unfinished AN-225 Photo from a CNN article in 2018
  24. Hoping for a miracle for you and your fellow flyers at South Grafton KG 🙏
  25. Weren't you parked next to it not too long ago? 😬
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