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Everything posted by RossK

  1. Last time I checked (with a CFI), RPC with Nav converts to RPL with Nav with some paperwork and proof to a CFI that you can fly a GA Aircraft. So typically 3-5 hours in a Warrior or C152 will get it done. but I could be wrong, it happens occasionally 😁
  2. Here's our panel mounted one, I have no idea of the make etc, looks like the Airpath. Seems to point north when i'm lined up on 36 at YLIL.
  3. This is exactly what I was told by the Airport Co-ordinator when I was planning to fly into Moruya - avoid the RPT times and no ASIC required.
  4. Your understanding is correct. Passengers are only covered to $250K. A good lawyer would argue that as a passenger they were aware of the risks being taken and subsequently the amount payable for damages should be less. Of course, it's up to us as PIC to make sure our passengers are aware of the risks of RAA aircraft. But having extra liability cover for your passengers is probably a good thing. Lets face it - they are likely to be your family or friends and if if the worst were to happen, you'd want them to get as big a payout as possible.
  5. Flew up to Tocumwal on Saturday afternoon, walked into town and had dinner at the Farmers Arms Hotel. The river is very full at the moment! Camped at Sportaviations campground at the airstrip. Had a great breakfast with the Murray Border Flying Club and a Coffee at "The Drome" cafe before heading home.
  6. Hi Bruce, unless i've missed something (which is possible) there is nothing in the new rules that is forcing us to fly under 3000ft. The radio requirement is still above 5000ft in class G The only extra burden is to fly the VFR cruising levels if above 3000ft.
  7. There was/is another hypothetical mountain in the way 😁
  8. I was taught that it's best to fly hemisphericals whenever you can, regardless. Hypothetical. I'm flying a track of 175deg at 3500ft and approaching a 3000ft plateau, cloud base is 5000ft, so leagally I can punch through there. But, the plateau is covered with tiger country. I can deviate track to 165deg and follow a valley with a floor of 1500ft around the plateau, but at the southern end I have to track back 6nm on a heading of 200deg before picking up my track of 175deg. What altitude do I fly that 6nm on 200deg heading at - is it practical to descend to 2500ft and then climb back up when I resume track - the leg is less than 4 minutes.
  9. Factory Built J230's are LSA though aren't they - so can't increase the MTOW unless Jabiru do the paperwork to recertify them.
  10. Recently bought an electric pole saw - fantastic thing, only has 30 mins of run time per battery, but with electric, that's 30 mins of actual cutting time, which actually is a decent amount. Uses the same battery as the electric mower 😁
  11. My simple understanding of V1 is; The PIC has done the calcs and has an abort point (ie a distance on the runway). If he hears the co-pilot call V1 before that point, he knows there is sufficient runway and thrust available (even with an engine failure before Vr) to reach Vr before the end of the runway. If he doesn't hear V1 at the abort point, he aborts.
  12. Avalon is an example of how it can work Class D Surface -2500 Class E 2500-4500 Class C 4500-12500 So VFR traffic has a 2000ft laneway right over the top of the Runway.
  13. Did a hamburger run to Apollo Bay yesterday. YLIL - YTYA - PIPS - YAPO and return stopping at YTYA for fuel.
  14. No Information surfacing. Awfully close to those powerlines 😬
  15. Can you not follow the Burnett Hwy west and then climb out under the 2500ft step and then head south?
  16. The conversation had drifted to CTA access for RAA certificate holders.
  17. Just do long approaches and long finals 😁 you can be under 500ft AGL as long as you are on final or upwind
  18. From the RAA Ops Manual "Controlled Airspace may only be entered by recreational pilots complying with specific criteria as outlined in CAO 95.32 and 95.55, upon receipt of a clearance." CAO 95.55 Section 7.3(d) "(d) the aeroplane is flown by the holder of a valid pilot licence (not being a student pilot licence): (i) issued under Part 5 of CAR 1988; and (ii) that allows the holder to fly inside the controlled airspace;" So RAA need to get CASA to amend CAO 95.55 and remove 7.3(d) That's my understanding of the situation.
  19. It's the Jetski of the sky........
  20. @KRviator lets just say we both interpret that report differently. Though, I've never said ATC dont share some of the blame (they do), he was only going to be in the class C for less than 3 minutes, and their instructions to transit the Class D should have given him vectors, not just told him to descend to not more than 1000ft. But if he actually knew where he was, he wouldn't have descended through cloud to below ground level.
  21. You're forgettting that you are also paying for maintenance by the hour, so going faster and reducing the flying time may actually be more economical. If your hiring aircraft on a wet hourly basis, fast is cheap.
  22. No weather check, No flight planning, not IFR rated, not familiar with IFR instruments fitted not using paper charts or EFB, ie not actually navigating no current BFR - unlicenced flys into IMC And it's ATCs fault? 🙄 I'm not convinced.
  23. If you get onto the RAA site, as part of their Octoaber Safety month there is a Survey. RAA "Help us Improve Safety" Give them feed back that the incident reports are mostly useless without a follow up report.
  24. I haven't been to a Security Controlled airport yet, but when I was planning a trip to Moruya, I rang the airport manager and asked. The response was to check the RPT schedule and just make sure we're not on the apron 1 hour either side of the RPT arrival or departure time. All other times, we were welcome to come and go as we please. So best to check with the operator.
  25. The extra Mile -Stefan Drury The problem for our RAA craft is weight, good folding bikes are typically 12-15kg each. most RAA planes are 25-40kg of baggage max.
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