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Everything posted by RossK

  1. Should be able to get at least 5 sequential touch and go's on a 3300m runway 🤣
  2. This is the comment that you should pay attention too, IMHO, it's by far the most accurate statement in this thread. Annecdote; my other hobby is sailing off the beach dinghys, and i've progressed through several classes getting faster and more complicated each time, with the culmination being an 18ft skiff. I've raced at state and national level - I'm never going to win at this level, but finished in the top ten regularly. Wind back 10 years when I was teaching my daughter sailing in a high performance skiff, great fun. But, she got a boyfriend and I soon found myself on the beach with nothing to sail. So I started sailing one of the clubs training boats, ie beginner level stuff. I had just as much fun sailing and racing that boat as I did the skiffs. It's not what you are sailing/flying, it's just being out there doing it that is enjoyable.
  3. Australian version......"Hold my beer...." 😃
  4. I think Yenn might be right in that you don't need approval if it's a removeable device, as the 660 would be if mounted in an Airgizmo dock.
  5. Crab techique for me. I agree with the article on the point of doing what you always do. Crab techniue uses all the same speeds, decent, etc, that you use every other landing, just not pointing the nose down the centre. Also, instructions for our AC says crab is better as with a pretty low wing, it's very easy to touch the wingtip on the ground using the wing down method. I also like the point made in the comments about picking x-wind right to left over left to right if you can for take off. I have had the experience of running out of right rudder on a left to right x-wind takeoff. The nose weathercocked left as soon as the nose wheel was off the ground, despite full right rudder.
  6. Flightradar24 shows one was local, from the north west.
  7. You can do a quick check on Flightradar24, and see who was flying overhead at 0400UTC. It does show one aircraft doing work around the area. Roulettes have also been very active of late, seems to be several of them in the air at any one time, one was doing beatups at YLIL yesterday.
  8. The Aeroprakts are good examples for you, both will have usable loads over 600lb, which means you can get you, a 200lb instructor and a reasonable amount of fuel on board. An idea would be to contact the Aeroproakt USA dealer and ask them if there are any schools near you using them.
  9. Add me to the manual flap fan base. Did all my training in a J160 with electric flaps, and now fly a plane with manual. Much easier to use than the electric.
  10. Hi Jay, there are plenty of LSA that have decent useful loads, the Cessna 162 would be one of the lowest, so not a good choice for you. Our own Evektor Sportstar has a useful load of 254kg (559lb for you) and there are aircraft out there that have more. Don't give up on your dream, just do some research on aircraft and find a school with those aircraft. Of course, losing a little bit of weight would be good thing, both for yourself and your flying 😃 - I've lost 8kg this year just so I can carry more fuel/baggage.
  11. Yes, but it's reducing the risks; If you're vaxed less likely to pass it on, less likely to get sick, less likley to require hospitalistion, less likley to require ventilation and less likely to die. Israel still have 80% of deaths being fully vaxed, but the infected mortality rate has dropped from 4% to 1.5% Oh, and by the way, I'm at the stage where I'm seriously considering ignoring the rules and going for a fly. I can fill up my jerries at the local servo when I fill my car, drive to the airfield, fly, top up the tanks, and come home. I will have had zero interaction with anyone else or any other equipement than I would in my normal weekly routine. And to top it off, recreational fishing is allowed, so why not aviation!
  12. Because if you have C19 and are unvaxed, you are far more likley to pass it on than someone who is vaxed.
  13. It's normal, people still blame John Anderson for the state of Aviation in Australia.
  14. I've just read the last 2 pages and I'm no longer worried about the supply of toilet paper. It's aluminium foil I'm worried about now. Far too many people are making tin foil hats with all the conspiracy theories in their heads.
  15. Also discussed here
  16. Just remember, whilst Scomo has his faults, if he didnt' stand when Turnbull stepped down, we would have had Peter Dutton as PM - he had the numbers to beat Julie Bishop. Think about that, Dutton as PM 😬 😲.
  17. Yamaha EPeX aero engines 150hp - 300hp @ 10000rpm depending no NA or Turbo
  18. As a centre right kinda guy, what concerns me is the shift in both parties to the extremities. We don't seem to have any decent politicians who are centre left or centre right. The consequence of this is we see the vocal parts of our society mimicking our politicians, with no middle ground represented. You are either right or wrong depending on which side you are, none of your opinions can be considered as valid if you don't agree 100%.
  19. That's confusing actually, as the ATSB report says the prototype had 340 hours flight time and it was the production version that crashed after 17 minutes. Doesn't say whether it was single or two seats though. "This aircraft was intended to be the production version of the "Stratos" aircraft. The prototype version had successfully flown some 340 hours. The production model incorporated significant changes made by the designer/pilot."
  20. get yourself an early MX5, old british sports car dynamics, with japanese reliability, and one of the sweetest manual gearboxes you'll ever shift.
  21. Fuel pump off helps with radio transmission apparently. Technically, turning base is the only call you're required to make, so if he was doing circuits that's all he would be making. But yes, he should have heard your joining call and either spotted you and made room, or called you and let you know where he was, so you could make room. I am aware of some pilots that think that as they are in the circuit, they have right of way, so the only call they need to make is turning base and the onus is on the joining pilots to see and avoid - similar to some guys I sail with who won't call starboard as the the onus is on the port tacker to see and avoid them. Neither is great when the give way person doesn't see them and a collision occurs. Both water and air are very unforgiving environments to have that attitude.
  22. I've had a couple of incidents where another plane has reported position exactly where I am 😲. It really gets the adrenalin going. First was in the circuit when I was mid turn from crosswind to downwind, the local Jump plane called joining downwind 😬. A quick scan couldn't find him so I called him and reported my position. He replied that he was 500m off my left wing and slightly higher - got him, and he had me visual. He overtook me and turned base about 500m in front, those guys are always in a hurry. Second was on the VFR route from Kilmore to Sugarloaf. As I was abeam Yan Yean I reported that I was 2 miles abeam Yan Yean at 2500 tracking to sugarloaf. Within 10 seconds there was a call from a GA plane saying he was 2 miles abeam Yan Yean at 2500 tracking to sugarloaf. a quick scan found him about 1 mile further out and about 500ft higher. Not sure if he was trying to be annoying or not, as he was clearly not on the VFR route and in the 4500 class C step, or he just didn't really know where he was.
  23. Agree, if the small minority of selfish people could just do the right thing for a couple of weeks, we'd be done with this by now.
  24. Good to see someone got to commit aviation on my Birthday!
  25. Already paid Draco
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