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Everything posted by RossK

  1. Having watched the Wasabi Test Vlogs on this Airframe and then some of the Raptor ones, this is un-surprising. Glad he is OK, looks to have done a better job than Dan Gryder !
  2. Wax and grease remover from any paint shop. That's what i used.
  3. I do actually agree with everything you've said. I posted that as an example of what we went through last year and that if the government has the resolve to do it, significant outbreaks can be overcome. I've been through a real lockdown, had my business suffer financially, retrenched staff, not seen my kids and grandkids for months. had my vaccinations. It all hurt - but I'm glad we've done it as the alternative is worse, in my opinion.
  4. extract from an ABC article from last year on Victorias lockdown; As the city's first-ever widespread curfew came into effect at the weekend, 5 million people suddenly found themselves living in a dystopian novel. Police now patrol the streets with expanded powers, smashing the car windows of those who refuse to give their details. Pre-recorded government messages ring out over loudspeakers in empty train stations warning of the virus. Door-to-door checks are being carried out by police and Defence Force troops. And those caught on the streets between 8:00pm and 5:00am now need to carry government papers to prove they are allowed out.
  5. Agree that contract tracing is pointless, no system can keep up with the potential 1000+ additional close contacts per day. But, this is beatable. Melbourne did it last year from a position of 600+ cases a day. I don't think people outside of Melbourne realise how strict the lockdown was, what NSW has done to date isn't even close. The Virus doesn't spread, people spread the virus. If you stop people from moving, you stop the spread. Simple. Waiting for herd immunity isn't the answer, it will take too long. Gladys needs to stop asking people to do the right thing, and demand that they do, and follow up with enforcement. If NSW had done a Melbourne style lockdown at the end of June, they would be out the other side by now. Tougher restrictions now will get this done by early September, but I don't think Gladys has the nerve to do it.
  6. Boats pay Registration. Better Boating Victoria has lobbied the state government successfully for free parking at ramps and several ramp upgrades in regional VIC, using the argument that the registraion fees should go to boating facilities.
  7. I bet that really affected them 🙄
  8. But you do pay registration and fuel excise, and therefore pay for the roads and upkeep of such. In GA you don't pay registration or licence fees, so who funds airports? 99.5% of the population never visit local aerodromes, and you expect them to pay for them? I don't have a solution to aerodrome funding, but paying $10 to land somewhere doesn't seem unreasonable to me.
  9. What is a project worth? As someone who has bought project cars and boats, this is how I value them; A = the cost of buying a similar car/boat/aircraft in servicable condition B= the cost of bringing the project to an equivalent serviceable condition C= Discount to make the project attractive D= project buy price D=A-B-C ie, by the time I've finished the project it has to have cost less than buying a serviceable equivalent. It's the Value of C that is up to individual buyers and sellers to negotiate
  10. 1 in a million is a really small number isn't it. Quite insignificant. So, in Australia, that equates to only 26 people. So, are we OK to ask 26 people to die by using the AZ vaccine. How would you feel if one of those 26 was your wife, son, daughter? I'm not an anti-vaxer, I'm all for pfizer, I've had my 2 doses. For those who have had AZ and are fine, great, i'm really happy for you. The more people who get vaccinated the better. But I don't think we should be pushing people to take a risk with AZ when there is a viable alternative. And people certainly shouldn't take advice on vaccines from this forum or from Politicians, speak to your GP.
  11. I wonder if it's the adrenaline rush of what just happened, and being surrounded by your peers and wanting to talk to them about it.
  12. Get in touch with Ben Morgan at AOPA. He's being helping a few regional airfields with similar issues.
  13. Go to the Petition via this Clickable Link
  14. Looks like the FAA are adressing this promptly LODA Experimental Instruction I think the key is the aircraft can't be hired out.
  15. I like his pro tip of flying over the top of the power poles, don't have to look for the wires then. I'll remember that next time I'm doing a low level canyon run 😲 😬 🤐
  16. Will the AG be looking into CASA's handling of the Bristell saga ? That would be interesting
  17. The article is about Airframe Icing, not Carburettor Icing.
  18. Click the link, good info on icing Flying in Icing Conditions
  19. I think what is being asked here is; If flying at 7500, with a FZLVL of 4500 and SCT AC/AS 7000 ABV 10000, and you remain clear of the cloud. ie. you are above the freezing level and amongst moist clouds, but not actually in the cloud; Are you going to get airframe icing? My understanding is no, as you are clear of the moisture (clouds), but you are awfully close to it. And you are right, this isn't covered in the RAA syllabus as being VFR only we have to remain clear of cloud so the FZLVL isn't discussed. When I've spoken to experienced GA, IFR rated pilots, asking the same question, the answer is typically; "theoretically you won't get airframe icing if you stay clear, but it's remotely possible, and do you want to take that risk". No one is willing to give a definative answer, probably for good reason.
  20. Just being picky - Paul Larsen is actually an Australian, the record run was done in Namibia.
  21. Jack, what is the information the RAAus provided that is allegedly incorrect?
  22. Stall spin on final turn - in slow motion 😁
  23. Off topic - MX5s are notorious for hydraulic lifter ticks, it's like a built in oil warning system 😆. If it's low on oil - it ticks if the oil is getting old - it ticks if the engine is cold - it ticks. After 98 they switched to solid lifters. MX5s also run a timing belt, no chain. It's a non interference engine. (we have 2 in the family a '90 and a '91)
  24. Apparently, it draws air in to the oil system and then pumps that air into the lifters, which can be troublesome to clear.
  25. There is some hope Skippy, Radial
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