I think what is being asked here is;
If flying at 7500, with a FZLVL of 4500 and SCT AC/AS 7000 ABV 10000, and you remain clear of the cloud.
ie. you are above the freezing level and amongst moist clouds, but not actually in the cloud;
Are you going to get airframe icing?
My understanding is no, as you are clear of the moisture (clouds), but you are awfully close to it.
And you are right, this isn't covered in the RAA syllabus as being VFR only we have to remain clear of cloud so the FZLVL isn't discussed.
When I've spoken to experienced GA, IFR rated pilots, asking the same question, the answer is typically;
"theoretically you won't get airframe icing if you stay clear, but it's remotely possible, and do you want to take that risk".
No one is willing to give a definative answer, probably for good reason.