I'm hesistant on the full coastal route as there are sections where your only option would be the beach.
The route up the Deddick valley is pretty remote, but has the advantage that the only contraint is the 10000ft VFR limit - which gives me a fair amount of airpsace from the ground level.
I am leaning towards the route around the north of Canberra though; no remote areas, considerably more landing options if needs be and plenty of alternate airstrips. The only constraint is the Canberra Class C steps, but 3500ft is a reasonable height AGL and I could always deviate further north to the 8500ft step. This route also gives me the option that if the weather is breathtakingly good, I can shortcut across to Adaminaby and then on to Moruya.
At some point in all options, I have to get across the coastal ranges into Moruya. I'm thinking that a planned stop at Tumut or Corryong, to strech the legs, go to the loo and check the weather ahead is going to be a wise idea.
Hopefully we get out of Vic lockdown soon and NSW eases border restrictions, and then the weather co-operates.
If/when when i go, I'll do a trip report.