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Everything posted by RossK

  1. JG, is there anyway you can combine the old fuel map with this one, then all the fuel stops and pubs are in one place 😉
  2. I use this site when I haven't got access to Avplan Airspace
  3. I organised it with Hugh Brownlee Wimmera Aero Club
  4. Mogas is also available through Wimmera Aero Club at Horsham, need to ring in advance though. JG, is there any way of updating that map?
  5. I know the guys out at YLIL have replaced tail beacons in their Jab 160s, so there must be something available. Istria are the maintenance firm at YLIL, maybe they have a source?
  6. There is also this one, needs updating though as I know both Tyabb and Lethbridge have Mogas, but aren't listed. Fuel Map
  7. The float issue is still around, ours were done in March. Engine was new in mid 2018 But it did only take 10 minutes tops to do both carbs.
  8. I'm hesistant on the full coastal route as there are sections where your only option would be the beach. The route up the Deddick valley is pretty remote, but has the advantage that the only contraint is the 10000ft VFR limit - which gives me a fair amount of airpsace from the ground level. I am leaning towards the route around the north of Canberra though; no remote areas, considerably more landing options if needs be and plenty of alternate airstrips. The only constraint is the Canberra Class C steps, but 3500ft is a reasonable height AGL and I could always deviate further north to the 8500ft step. This route also gives me the option that if the weather is breathtakingly good, I can shortcut across to Adaminaby and then on to Moruya. At some point in all options, I have to get across the coastal ranges into Moruya. I'm thinking that a planned stop at Tumut or Corryong, to strech the legs, go to the loo and check the weather ahead is going to be a wise idea. Hopefully we get out of Vic lockdown soon and NSW eases border restrictions, and then the weather co-operates. If/when when i go, I'll do a trip report.
  9. I've been watching weather patterns, comparing to GAFs, winds aloft etc. trying to get a better understanding of what weather I'm looking for. This mornings forecast made going over the highlands look very do-able - Freezing level >10000ft and only scattered cloud at 8500ft. Typically, when the weather is good (like the last few days), the forecast freezing level along the coastal route is lower, 4000-6000ft, where the inland route is >8000ft. It does seem to be that the freezing level is pretty much at the level I'd want to be at on either route. And cloud levels are typically lower along the coastal route. I'd be looking for a forecast of Scattered cloud or less to go. The other option is go north of Canberrra under the 6500ft step and come back down - it's only about 15mins more than Route 2. This route would also give a lot of alternate fields if the weather was not as good as forecast and avoids designated remote areas.
  10. Wow, more dollars thant sense? Show me the money!
  11. Hi everyone, we're looking to do a trip to Moruya to catch up with friends when this Vic lockdown ends. I have 2 routes in mind Lilydale - Mansfield - Corryong - Adaminaby - Moruya Lilydale - Latrobe Valley - D353 VFR corridor - Bairnsdale - Buchan - Deddick Valley - Delegate - Bega - Moruya. Both routes cross and equal amount of Tiger Country. Both routes take me across designated remote areas for about 50km. Route 1 is more direct, but would require crossing the Kosciuszko range, ground level 6500, so I'd want to be 9500amsl for that section Route 2 would allow me a lower altitude most of the way, but would still require some height over the Deddick valley and on to Bega. From Bairnsdale to Bega I'd be looking to be at 5500amsl. Flight levels will be dictated by cloud levels/density and terrain How much of an issue is the freezing level, given that i'm going to stay clear of cloud. The Sportstar does seem to have a good cabin heater. If the weather looks remotely iffy, we'll drive. What else do I need to consider? I'd appreciate advice from others who have flown across the range in winter? Ross
  12. Report it as an incident/defect with RAA, there should at least be some follow up from RAA with Jabiru. YLIL maintenance guys have been logging their Jab engine issues on the RAA Accident and Defect register.
  13. I'm a fan of both John Anderson and Dick Smith, and this letter from Dick seems rather pointless. Why rip into a politician who retired 14 years ago, and hasn't actually been responsible for that portfolio since 2005. It's been 16 years and there have been 6 other ministers in that time , including the current opposition leader, who held the position for nearly 6 years and achieved just as little in aviation.
  14. Same, when we flew with small humans we were given a supplementary belt, that was 25+ years ago.
  15. having bought within the last 12 months I can relate to a lot of this. Our dealings with brokers were less than great. One AC we were interested in, we were never able to get a copy of the log books. AC apperently blew the motor and was withdrawn from sale - I only found out by tracking down the owner and ringing him directly after 3 weeks of back and forth with the broker. We ended up buying privately - good listing with plenty of photos showing what you want - decowled engine, instrument panel, cockpit setup etc, followed up by prompt replies with log books, maintenance records etc. ie a seller who knew their AC inside and out and wanted to sell it.
  16. The ABC actually reported it as a Tecnam P2008 😲
  17. Yeah ? RAA reg plane, 3 people? Edit: Great result though, well executed forced landing.
  18. Looks like ex Soar aircraft.
  19. Thanks for the replies guys. It is a private strip and would have been my first time there. I didn't need to stop, but wanted to have look as we were nearby. My take away is I just need to ask more about strip conditions when I'm calling for PPR, not just asking if I can land.
  20. Got a question. On our way home on the weekend, we were going to drop in to another airfield, so I rang the operator to get PPR and was told they were using runway XX (sealed). OK no problem I say. When we get there, I overfly 500ft above the circuit and can see both windsocks are showing a wind direction 100deg off runway XX at about 10-15 knots - so crosswind with tailwind component 😬 There was no other AC in the circuit. They have another strip (grass) that would have given a 40 degree crosswind. There wasn't any X on the grass strip, but wasn't sure if it was usable as the operator said to use the sealed strip XX So, what should I do? follow the instructions of the operator and use runway XX or use the grass strip that is more into wind. I did neither and chose not to land and went elsewhere. Thoughts?
  21. Flew down to Apollo Bay for the weekend. 90 minutes from home airfield. Great spot, plenty of accomodation choices. Airfield is 30 miniute walk to centre of town. Plenty of sight seeing to do, Cape Otway, Twelve Apostles etc.
  22. Googled after my post. Volvo, make complete buses at various sites Scania - JV with Higer in Suzhou Mercedes , make complete buses at various sites Bedford - Ok this was a guess, I don't think they make buses anymore, but used to make complete buses in Dunstable UK Volgren - make buses in Australia (yay) from various chassis, not affiliated with Volvo since 1987 Man - make buses in Turkey and Poland All of these except Volgren do sell chassis to other Coach Body Builders.
  23. Oh dear, keep trying
  24. You might want to check that.
  25. Off the top of my head Volvo, Scania Mercedes Bedford Volgren Man What do I win 🙂
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