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Everything posted by RossK

  1. Pretty sure everything in the right hand column is a Cessna.
  2. I spoke to Dean Johnson this morning. Airfield is still operational and available to fly in to. BnB is closed though.
  3. Flying for fun never makes financial sense...... until you are airborne, then it all makes sense 🤩
  4. Very Lucky indeed, but looking at the picture, you can see the prop facing the camera and the front of the cowl looks intact - suggests the engine compartment has collapsed to the starboard side of the airframe, and there may be a touch more room than intially thought. Still, very lucky to be breathing.
  5. I was told to never wing down in a right hand x-wind, as it scares passengers, crabbing was/is the preferred method with passengers. The Sportstar POH discourages slips, says the flaps are much more effective at losing height than a slip.
  6. I've had this exact scenario Mike, so quite a realistic example. Did a trip out to Horsham, forecast wind on arrival was 15kt Easterly, which on paper looks fine as they have a east/west sealed strip, 1300m long 30m wide. Actual wind was 10-30kts easterly, confirmed on the BOM observations. So if you're 50knots in the gust, you're 30 in the lulls First approach got the plane on the ground nicely and got hit with a gust and was airborne again - 1st go around 2nd attempt - plane got squirrely just above the ground, yawing with the gusts, 2nd go around 3 attempt got it down, not on centreline, not my best landing, but down.
  7. 2000rpm is what I was taught in the J160, so probably good for the J230 also.
  8. Done, Apologies. 🥺
  9. Basically the POH says to drag it in, low and slow with power. The risk is if the engine quits, you've got no safety margin in airspeed or height.
  10. You forgot, go sailing
  11. I base my flying on Newtons 3rd law "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" When I push the throttle forward, my bank account diminishes, but my life satisfaction increases.
  12. I also agree that you can buy poor quality wine in Australia. Gossips is just on that border for me, but my wife is quite OK with it. There is no reason any wine maker should make poor wine in Australia, but some do manage it. I do know of a wine maker in the Yarra Valley that had a poor yield one year, and had pre-orders to fulfill. So despite not having enough grapes, they still produced the amount of wine required, and no, Jesus did not work for them, as the wine was very sub par. Sometimes it is the storage of the wine that makes it bad, not the winemaker. My previous employer used to buy wine in pallet lots to give away at Christmas. When I went to collect my allocation at the warehouse, I saw that the pallets had been stored on the top rack in the warehouse - in December 😬. It would have easily been 35-40degC up there. The wine fizzed in your mouth when you drank it and was very "rough". None of my customers got wine that year.
  13. 🙄😬😧🙄😬🥴😵🥱👎
  14. It's merely a scatch 😆 https://simpleflying.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/image1-900x1200.png https://simpleflying.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/unnamed-900x1200.png
  15. "I said park it in the left hangar - your other left.....🙄"
  16. Yes, happy anniversary Spacey, 🤵👰
  17. Bankstown is closer to Kingsford Smith than it is to Badgerys Creek. The Oaks is 25km away from Badgerys Creek, so hopefully far enough. Riddell, Penfield and Melton are all about that to Tullamarine. The lowering of class C may be an issue for The Oaks though. likely to come down to 2500 - which would be more of a problem for Camdens training area.
  18. Drink it, we bought a $15 bottle for our 15th anniversary and cellared it until our 30th. Was valued at $120 when we drank it. It was smooth and full of flavour
  19. AOPA/Ben Morgan does a lot of good for pilots and aviation in general, but he seems to have RAAus in his sights and take any opprotunity to have a go at them. It does seem he's cherry picked that report. Maybe CASA and RAA should have done a bit more work before going heavy on Bristell, but there does seem to be some valid concerns. I'm curious whether the Relationship between AOPA and RAA was better before RAA registered the "Freedom to Fly" slogan. That was a bad move on their part. Or has there been angst between them for some time.
  20. What schools are you guys going to? we did; Full flap power off stalls full flap power on stalls clean stalls power on clean stalls power off power on climbing stalls power on climbing turn stalls simulated wing drop in stalls - ie if the plane wouldn't do it, the instructor made it do it. basically any airframe set up and then stall it - some of those are not pleasant experiences. I"m not scared of stalling, but still very mindful of airspeed and attitude when doing turns in the circuit.
  21. You mean this one Foxbat A32 Might be able to negotiate a better price 😬
  22. Phillip Island closed because it was bought by a developer but his plans were blocked by the council. He stopped maintaining it out of spite and now the strip is closed. Fling wings only now. I believe his plans are to basically wait until the council gives in.
  23. Not actually a walkout according to PAC, the council have withdrawn! Extracts from the lastest Tyabb Flyer; "At the VCAT Direction Hearing today (19/3/21) the Mornington Peninsula Shire Council (MPSC) has taken the extraordinary step of withdrawing its enforcement application against Peninsula Aero Club (PAC)." It's not over, PAC hitting back; "This latest action suggests the Shire recognised it had little to no chance of success in winning the enforcement, which raises concerns about whether this could be considered a misuse of legal process in order to force the airport operators into capitulation. PAC said they will be making an application for costs, which will be substantial, and may lead the way for others to seek damages for loss of income, reputation and other losses. Unfortunately, these potential costs will all be paid by the ratepayers of the Mornington Peninsula."
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