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Everything posted by RossK

  1. That would be Scott Palmer, professional skydiver, base jumper and wingsuit pilot. Holds multiple world records and championship titles. Highly respected and sought after skydiving coach. This would have been a thoroughly planned stunt, very little "Jackass" in this apart from the title.
  2. Having looked at costs to own a plane (shouldn't really do that anyway) The Rotax whilst higher initial outlay works out cost effective. It doesn't require a top end overhaul at 1000hrs, which for the Jab is pretty much a bulk strip, not cheap (we we told budget $10K) and it seems most do a full overhaul at this stage. Thats if it makes it to 1000hrs. When it get to its 2000hr TBO, it's not worth much. The 912 is highly likley to make it's 2000hr TBO and you'll be able to sell it for $5k miniumum when done. This is not Jab bashing, I've flown all my training and flying since behind Jabs and they seem a good motor. But the lower initial outlay, doesn't nescessarily mean lower cost to own.
  3. Lilydales rates are good for melbourne. $120/hr for the instructor is the minimum you'll find in Melbourne, plenty of schools charging a lot more, Instructors are very good, covered more than required in the syllabus for my RPC.
  4. You can blame the SImpsons for that one. There is an episode where Homer corrects Lisa, telling her; "it's pronounced Nukular honey, Nukular"
  5. There is this one Reportedly pilot is a NZ Airforce pilot, has right rudder applied most of the time, you can actually see him lift his right leg at 18sec and re-apply.
  6. When I did my RPC Nav training out of YLIL we flew at the step levels for that route, ie under the 2500 step we flew 2500, under the 3500 we flew 3500. Altitude is your friend. Make regular radio calls and write down any that you hear using the VFR corridor, your instructor will like that. If you are in the corridor and hear someone call to notify they are entering it, make another call stating your position, alt and heading, just to let them know you are there, they may not have heard your call when you entered. Melbourne Central will be listening and watching for any conflicts. They will call if they see any potential issues, which is why you want to make your radio calls, so they know who they are dealing with. I've been in contact with them twice on Navs along that corridor, even as a lowly RPC holder. Once they called us as they were concerned we weren't going to make the 2500 step on decent from 3500, thats how close they are watching - we made it. "Fly" the route on google maps to get familiar with it, it helps identify things when you are up there. It relieves some of the task saturation so you can concentrate on maintaining altitude, visual lookout and the radio.
  7. My Instructor used the hood on me as part of my RAA nav endorsement. It's not required for the syllabus, but definately worthwhile doing.
  8. kgwilsons is a Morgan Sierra. Morgan Aeroworks - Cheetah Sierra 200
  9. Quick googling shows it's come down 4km in a direct line from the threshold of runway 30 at Santa Maria airport. Odds on a Base to Final stall, not enough time to deploy chute by the time you realise you need it.
  10. Actually, scanning can be detrimental to old photos. The intense light from the scanner can kick off the residual deveolpement chemicals and over time the original photo will darken. Best to take a photo of the orignal with a digital camera. It's how museums do it.
  11. Great Video of a forced landing in a Sling. Well done! I've no affiliation with GoFly Sling Forced Landing
  12. This ^^^ You can buy a J160 for $35K-$45K, but; The annual fixed cost to have a J160 and store it at an airfield is around $10K ( hanger fees, maintenance, insurance etc). That gets me around 90 hrs or hire time. If i did that time in my own plane I would have fuel on top too, another $3-4K ? but with hiring I don't get to fly whenever I want, wherever I want, so ownership has its advantage obviously, but you have to fly 100+ hours a year to really make it worth while. Something with folding wings (aeropup, kitfox, skyfox etc) that can be stored on a trailer at home reduces this considerably if you have the space though.
  13. Nav Endorsement passed on Sauturday:thumb up:. Was a challenging flight, spent the day dodging rain showers, scudding under clouds and going around hills to avoid high terrain and low clouds. Was pretty hard to stay on track, had to do numerous 1 in 60's, a PFL, prec search, and a diversion whilst trying to recover track after dodging another rain squall. By far my most challenging Nav to date. Where to from here - not sure, I really enjoyed the solo Navs, so just looking forward to flying without feeling like I'm being examined all the time. I will give a plug to my instructor, Matt at YLIL, always encouraging and adapting lessons to challenge me on whatever I was struggling with. Cheers Ross
  14. Pilot Practice Exams RA-Aus RPL PPL CPL
  15. From where you are, Tyabb and Tooradin are pretty close and have good rates. Minimum for RAA is 15hrs dual and 5hrs Solo, but budget for 20hrs dual and 10hrs solo
  16. Any suggestions on where to do a tail wheel endorsement? I'm currently doing my Nav Endo out of YLIL and they don't have a RAA tail dragger. I'd like to avoid Moorabbin due to the CTA and all that entails. Easiest places would be Tooradin or Coldstream, but I'm open to suggestions. Thanks, Ross (Yes, I've been watching too many Trent Palmer and Cory Robin videos)
  17. I think you have to avoid "organising" it. I understand if you organise a fly-in you have to comply with CASA's regs. So if you just happened to meet up somewhere on public land that you're allowed to land on and had some fun, well then.... I think it needs to be public land to avoid liability for the land owner etc.
  18. Wedgetailed Eagle - Natural enemy of the UAV Wedge-tailed eagles winning war of the skies against drones Wedge-tailed eagles and drones competing for airspace in the workplace
  19. If you have a look on Google Maps of the location, she didn't have many options - airfield is surrounded by suburbia and tiger country. Only other option was the beach but she probably wouldn't have made it. To top it all off, have a look at the street view and where she put it down. Managed to get it stopped in about 240m before a T-intersection Great flying!
  20. Sending Ford Exploders into space would be considered an act of hostility, could start an interstellar war.
  21. ^ Much like boats, my other hobby.
  22. So reading through this, fixed cost for rego, insurance and hanger costs are going to be around $100/wk for someone close to a city. Hourly costs are typically $50-60/hr. So unless you're doing 2 hours a week minimum, hiring a J160 or similar for $120-140 is a better option.
  23. Ok, so that means I have to fly more, I think I can do that
  24. Yes very much aware of that still, after the flight the CFI does a debrief, to discuss what you did well and what he'd like you to keep aware of, and keep working on. Need to work on getting the nose wheel off the ground earlier during the take off roll and keeping it up longer during the landing roll - and a couple of other minor things, forgot to turn carby heat off on one landing, use cadence braking for short field landings etc. I was very happy with the PFL though, seemed to have all the time in the world, got all my checks done, mayday call, passenger brief, hit my high key and low key spots and the approach was spot on and did my go around at 550ft AGL. Both my instructors hammered it into me that the CFI will give an automatic fail for messing up the PFL, no do overs, one shot at it only.
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