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Everything posted by RossK

  1. How abaout actually being helpful and either giving people the information you are refering to, or providing a link to the information. If you have information that says an RPC holder (without an RPL or PPL and not a student) can access Class D or Class C airspace, please share it.
  2. At YLIL, crosswind joins are over the depature end threshold. The ERSA entry for YLIL also states, "no Midfield Crosswind joins". The meatbomber dropzone is on the dead side next to the middle of the aerodrome.
  3. Yep, native birds in Aus are not drone friendly, could be interesting 🦅
  4. I think my definition of minor incident has to change. One unconcious and the other has a broken leg 😮. When you're the person sitting in a mess with a broken leg and the other occupant is unconcious, minor incident would be the last way you would describe it!
  5. Taxiway is just as good as a Runway, ask Harrison Ford😮 Taxiway landing
  6. I've always been taught, no flaps until you are 100% certain you are making the field. In this instance, I would say he wasn't 100% sure until he cleared the last building, and he was on the ground 2 seconds later. Flaps at the last second may have softened the landing, but hey, they walked away and from pictures, it looks like a salvageable airframe, so 10/10 to the pilot from me. Although, he did miss the centreline, so, 9.5/10 😁
  7. I can't see them getting it by the end of this year. CASA have to come up with the regs, and then RAA have to come up with a Syllabus - it's years away. I gave up waiting and got my RPL.
  8. Having been there for the 3 days, I think you're a bit harsh Skip. For me, the Security controlled airport thing is a non issue, the event wasn't airside - we camped next to the plane, with toilets and showers on site, breakfast included all for $20 for 2 adults. It's 500m from the terminal to the event site, I was suprised they actually had a courtesy bus at all. 10mins must have been a leisurely stroll. The Courtesy bus also took you into Parkes for shopping, lunch, dinner etc. There was a truck watering the taxiway to the event site to keep dust down. Food vendors on site. Breakfast and Dinner provided by the local Rotary club Bar and evening Campfire Toilets and Showers Ground marshalling for those parking airside. So clearly some thought has gone into the event to make it easy for attendees. The pilot instructions issued were good enough. Flying in - we all new it was going to be busy, it's uncontrolled airsapce. I was 5nm out when there was 2 in the circuit, 2 more joining and an RPT on a 10nm final for a different runway. We all communicated and sorted ourselves out. We had a lot of the general public come and talk to pilots in the camping area. Most loved the idea of flying somewhere and camping next to the plane, all good promo for RA. Yes there should have been more RA focus and less GA stuff. GAP having 3 Sling TSI's was a bit much. The variety of the european plastic fantastics was good to see, prices a bit eyewatering though. Overall I thought the event was good and would go again. Narromine is in the past, time to move on. Was it bad? IMHO, No. Can they make the event better, most likely - they have improved on 2022 so indications are they will.
  9. Looks llike avgas.
  10. We certainly knew when he was in the circuit 😍
  11. We have 2 of these and used them to top up at Parkes, but we had access to a car. I've used them several times, the longest walk we've done is 3km there and back, so 6km return. We also don't use them to carry fuel in the aircraft, we don't have the load capacity to carry our camping gear and extra fuel. So far, they've never leaked.
  12. We also did the Parkes Fly in. Good fun and met some great people. We didn't hang around for the Paul Bennet display as we didn't want to push our luck getting back to YLIL before sunset. Would have been nice if they could have done it earlier in the day.
  13. Weather looks great, if we can get out of Melbourne 😤 I predict we'll be sitting on the ground for a while, waiting for the narrow window to make our escape tomorrow morning.
  14. To help reduce thread drift; No idea why it moved, but I've booked an underwing campsite 🎪 I was also undewhelmed by the pilot brief, it refers to information on the website that is not there. I questioned RAAus on this and the response was; "The site map will go live on the website this week, so please do keep a lookout on our website"
  15. We use Barnetts for odd size freight up the east Coast. 4-6m crates regularly. Their rates are significantly better than DHL, Toll or TNT. But they don't do direct, so whatever you're shipping, will be forked on an off at their depots. and they won't help load/unload it, so you either manhandle it on/off yourself, or forklift if you have one.
  16. Yes, they have rules similar to ours. Google "Trent Palmer vs FAA" - enlightening and frightening at the same time.
  17. Would be happy to test also. I'm in Eastern Melbourne, happy for you to come along for the test also.
  18. Victim of their own success story actually. Order book doubled and they accepted the orders at fixed prices, lead times blew out due to inability to meet demand, whilst costs rose over the last couple of years - they were eventually selling below cost. Final blow was outsourcing to meet demand and got burnt by a couple of suppliers. Not too disimilar to home builders here in Aus.
  19. I hope they survive. Starting an RV build of some sort was on the cards for some time in the next year. (trying to get the builder to finish our house first - 2months overdue 😒 ) Low budget 7 build most likely, basic VFR with a used O-360.
  20. Filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy on Monday. Plan to restructure and continue trading. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4rWWokdchQ
  21. Have you tried Tooradin? It's a bit further, but I'm sure Lilydale or Coldstream would have space.
  22. You're a funny guy Turbo - Train to the airport in Melbourne 🤣😂
  23. This already happens with VH reg aircraft, so nothing new here. eg. google VH-CZP, Ansett B-737 Evektor Sportstar 😁 Cirrus SR22
  24. Interesting point from 5:30 in the video linked In a GAF, SCT when refering to clouds (3-4 OCTAS) has a different ratio of coverage to SCT-RA (50-75%) CASA Briefing - Deteriorating Weather
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  25. The nose wheel for the road test vehicle and the flight test vehicle seem very different.
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