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Everything posted by Gregory

  1. Thanks Kiwi
  2. Thanks Andrew Speaking of weight , im on a diet hoping to loose a few kilos at present i weigh 109 kgs. The guy i bought the drifter from assured me my weight would be fine if i fly one up and add some weight to the rear of the plane to compensate ? Not really sure where to start adding weight ? Any ideas ??
  3. Wow ! Kiwi , thats a big tyre compared with the original , i love it . May i ask where i could order these and what to ask for when ordering ? Cheers Greg.
  4. Thanks KIWI, How lucky am i to have all of you to guide me on my new adventures
  5. Hi BP, yep the inspection is going good, not only checking for anything wrong but getting to know the aircraft inside and out A question for KIWI if i may ? Are those tires on a 6" rim , they look great , Cheers Greg.
  6. Hi BP, going good thanks , just in the process of giving her a good check over from head to toe
  7. Gregory

    My new drifter

    Hi Frank , i dont think so as this one is based in WA
  8. Gregory

    My new drifter

  9. Gregory

    My new drifter

    Hi Frank , neither ! Im in the process of referbishing it myself , the particular photo makes it look way tidier than it actualy is , here is todays photo
  10. Gregory

    My new drifter

    Thank you blue drifter
  11. Hi Tony and thanks The gentalman who owned it prefered a skid rather than a tail wheel but i prefer a tail wheel so ive added a temp wheel but will refine it as i become more familiar with my aircraft .
  12. Gregory

    My new drifter

    Thanks Riley , i took your advice and am very pleased i did cheers
  13. Gregory

    My new drifter

  14. Ok folks, probably a silly question ? that may have already been discussed? But here it is anyway - Would a fabric covering ( the type that needs to be heated ) not be lighter than dacron , also would it not be easier to fit if wing ribs were modified to accomodate it ? Not really thinking of doing it , just curious . Cheers
  15. Thank you my friend
  16. Bloody hell BP, your a good writer, i couldnt type that much in a week , but i love your replys and very much appreciate them im really excited to recieve my new (old) aircraft , i love that i now have a detailed set of drawings and info re: the drifter , also looking forward to learning to fly it , im lucky enough to live on a property that has a 700 meter airstrip with a 650 meter cross strip with hangars available to me! And only 10 minutes fly to our beautiful coast line, Cheers BP ,Greg.
  17. Thanks for all the enthusiasm your putting into my simple post BP, im not that great on a computer and to be honest im a bit lost with the flight sim stuff, but i will research it and try to understand it ? . Im a trike pilot who has always secretly loved the Drifter ever since I saw one about 15 years ago ! When i saw this one for sale only 3 hours drive from my home town , i knew it had to be !!! The gentleman i bought it from is flying it home for me next Sunday ( weather permitting) my plan is to get familiar with it and to give it a good tidy up , im in no rush as i have my little trike to fly in the mean while , love your enthusiasm and would definitely like to keep in touch , Cheers Greg .
  18. haha roger that ! first i need to learn to fly it first lol
  19. yep i agree, what a win and thanks to Flyerme for the link
  20. Wow Wow , thanks for such a great reply BP, yes i am considering adding a 582 down the track a bit, but first i want to do a little restoration work, including the tail wheel, you certainly haven't burst my balloon ! and i very much appreciate your comments , cheers Greg.
  21. Hi BP, feel free to comment as i have bought the aircraft,
  22. Thanks Frank, unfortunately I dont know anyone like that , but the Gentleman who is selling it is a qualified Aircraft Maintenance Engineer, so im guessing that he would have looked after his Aircraft. Also i worked for Airborne Australia for 20 odd years building trikes so i have a fair understanding ! Having said that , i am very unfamiliar with a Drifter , but will do my best to evaluate it. Another Gentleman on this Forum (Riley) said he has known this aircraft for the past 10 years and seems confident of it and the owner has offered to fly the aircraft to my home town (3 hour drive by car) , so its all sounding positive .
  23. Thanks for answering Frank what to look for ? Not really, any advice you can offer would be sooo much appreciated!. Cheers Greg.
  24. Hey thanks Riley thats great to hear and i appreciate your comment, im going up to look at it this coming Sunday.
  25. Hi all , Have found this drifter on gum tree and seriously considering it , may i ask if the price sounds about right ? Cheers . ultralight drifter aircraft | Other Automotive | Gumtree Australia Brookton Area - Brookton | 1143426250
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