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About NinjaNate

  • Birthday 08/07/1971


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    Gold coast
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  1. Ive flown with caboolture rec aviation Danny. Bill hayes is the CFI. They operate a rotax powered Jabiru and a foxbot.
  2. I've not been before but I def agree with wanting to see more Rec and GA aircraft. :)
  3. A few random snaps below from my visit this morning to the Evans Heads Great Eastern Fly-in. The organisers did a "bang up" job and managed to attract a good crowd from the public. There were food trucks a-plenty and there was a hotrod and classic cars display on at the same time today so the event attracted varied interest groups. There was a great display of warbirds and the aerobatic display of the P51 Mustang was terrific!.. just love the sound of that 12 cylinder beast! I only saw a small contingent of RAA aircraft there which was a little disappointing, although perhaps some left yesterday as I was only able to make it for the theis morning (Sunday). Nevertheless, I had a terrific time and highly recommend it. I will def be back again next year. Nate
  4. Good plan except that it's surfers/broadbeach... at 5am it's packed with morning joggers/walkers
  5. I agree Kasper. My bad, i didnt see the other thread. Appologies all for the duplication..
  6. Emergency crews were called to Old Burleigh Road on the Gold Coast about 9.30am today after reports a plane had landed on the beach. The pilot, Mark Waterford, was not injured after successfully landing his Drifter 415 light sports aircraft on a stretch of sand between Northcliffe Surf Life Saving Club and Broadbeach SLSC. Full story here: Gold Coast Bulletin
  7. Thanks Geoff...flipping through the text it does seem to be all pretty common sense, albeit quite abstract in some of it's use/application to rec aviation. ;)
  8. Terrific, thanks Puddles. I shall read the Dyson-Holland book with gusto! :) I also rang the RAA office today and asked which text they recommend and they said there's not any particular one they'd recommend but they did say that they had just recently signed an agreement with an external party to provide the education/assessment details for human factors but it wasnt public yet as to who that was...Stay tuned I guess.... When I said I had the dyson-holland text the lady I spoke said that should be fine but that her choice would be Bob Tait's book, ...if that is any hint on who they may have signed to take over the HF stuff.. we shall see in time??
  9. Hi All Im interested to hear what is the latest text that should be used for the human factors exam? I have read on other threads here to use the Generic Pilot Proficiency Program (GPPP)? But that was mentioned back in 2009 and wondering if anyone has done the exam more recently can comment on what they studied to prepare. I did my RPC back in 1995 but now I need to do a dreaded human factors exam apparently? The instructors at CRA sold me the below for $40 to study but after reading some of the comments in other threads Im wondering if I have the right text? The Generic Pilot Proficiency Program (GPPP) no longer seems to be available on the RAA website. Many thanks Nate
  10. Howdy John! Welcome
  11. Took first flight this afternoon after a 20 year hiatus. Rusty on the flying skills to be sure but had a great time nonethless and it was so good to get back in the air. Flew out of Caboolture with Bill at CRA in his foxbat 24-9100. Think I'll need another couple hrs dual to get current and then do a BFR. It was such a great afternoon though rediscovering the joy of flying!
  12. Yep I saw it on ten too Kyle. Looks nice but wow $280k!!! A plane for the masses because we all have a lazy $280k laying about ;)
  13. Howdy and welcome!
  14. Hi Pearo Ive been a Virgin flier for the last decade or so and also do a far few miles each mth but i have recently switched back to qantas for similar reasons. I found the virgin service stds are nothing like they used to be and in comparison Ive been pleasantly surprised by the comparable levels on qantas.. even the meals seem better std and mlre generous. Nate
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