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About gibson_339

  • Birthday 06/11/1992


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  1. The space shuttle approach, minus the MLS
  2. I dont personally think a steep approach is dangerous, but if its not taught or practiced then it could lead to carrying in too much speed, and not setting up correctly for the landing. I'm just questioning weather the conventional traffic pattern with a standard 3 degree approach really is the best/safest option, and weather anyone here does stay high and make a "steep" approach so that they ensure they are within gliding distance for every approach (obviously subject to traffic).
  3. My instructors have only ever really pulled the power from upwind to abeam the threshold on downwind. If we're talking about a standard by-the-book circuit, should i be able to make the field from the base turn point? Or mid-base? Or the turn to final? If I'm on the "correct" glidepath I think i would struggle unless the wind was favourable. Maybe i should be turning base earlier. I dont know. I have never actually tried a glide approach from past the abeam threshold point on downwind.
  4. Hi all, first up, thoughts and prayers to all those affected by the accident at Moorabbin last week. I am not here to speculate or go into details on that particular incident, however it did get me thinking (as a relatively low time RPL pilot) about losing power on final at a built-up aerodrome and what options there are to ensure the best possible outcome. The most obvious thing to me seems to make it standard practice to effectively perform a glide approach from downwind, or turn base a lot earlier than "normal". Does anyone do this or teach this? I'm guessing it would cause problems in the circuit being in a different pattern to everybody else all the time. What other issues are there? I'm lucky to fly out at Lilydale where there are plenty of off-field options if the dreaded did happen, but i still cant help feeling sometimes when I turn base at the "correct" point (45 degrees from the threshold or thereabouts), that if i lost my engine at that point or anywhere up to final on the "correct" glidepath, it definitely wouldnt be a certainty that I'd make it back to the field, whereas if i'd just turned base earlier and set up for a glide approach, it would be a lot better situation. I'm guessing the dangers would be a much steeper approach path, possibly the chance of coming in too fast?
  5. Yep I'm learning at Lilydale. Nice bunch of people and they have a few nice warriors at a reasonable dual rate. And also a few Jabirus for when i want to do some RA down the track. facthunter, I did my first lesson a couple of weeks ago in the Jab just to see how it was (and when i wasnt sure if id go RA or GA), which was my first lesson for about 7 years, and found it generally quite a challenging little plane to get the hang of. Not difficult, just different. Just did my second lesson in a warrior the other day (after deciding to go the GA path instead of RA at the moment), and it immediately felt a lot more natural, and dare i say "nicer" to fly (at least for me anyway)
  6. So after having a chat to some instructors, ive decided the best path to take is to initally work towards my RPL, and then either add cross country endorsement or continue to ppl, at which stage it should be fairly straight forward to get an RPC at the same time after a small amount of conversion training. I like the idea of having both GA and RA licenses due to the cheaper rates for RA aircraft when by myself, and the passenger carrying ability of GA for the occasional friend/family trip away
  7. Cheers everyone. Yes so the goal is to eventually fly 4 seater VFR, so either RPL plus endorsements, or PPL. If i was starting from scratch i would definitely do RPC then transition across to GA later on, but I'm just trying to make the most of the training ive already done. And yes i'll definitely have a chat to lilydale and some other schools to see what they have to say as well.
  8. G'day, I'm new on here and have just started flight training again after about 7 years out of action. I'm wanting to gain either my RPL or RPC with nav endorsement, but am not sure the best way to go about it. My previous training 7 years ago included 17 hours dual and 3 hours solo in Warriors and 172's (did not get my GFPT). So as far as i can tell i would need to start from scratch if doing the RPC due to all my previous training being on VH registered aircraft, but if i go for the RPL could i use those 20 hours towards the minimum requirements? They are all properly entered in my log book. If the hours do count towards the RPL, could i train on RA registered Jabirus or would i need to continue on VH registered aircraft? I am also obviously aware that it will take me a while to regain my skills. So what would everyone recommended i do? Cheers
  9. Hi everyone, just signed up yesterday after my first flight in a Jab at Lilydale. I did some flying in warriors years ago but looking to get back into it again now. Looking forward to all the helpful tips that im sure ill find on here!
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