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About xair3276

  • Birthday 18/04/1967


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    Broken Hill
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  1. HI Kyle can you send me Dr Kevs contact details or a link to a for sale ad, if he has one. Much obliged and thanks Grant
  2. Thanks Kyle will do.
  3. Does anyone know of a Wasp for sale?
  4. HI I have only flown the 582 and 618 in an X-air. There's limited info around on the differences between the rotax and jab engines in X-airs. Xair Standard and F Models - ByDanJohnson.com Xair Ireland Web Site - Xair Engine Options Xair Peformance - Xairuk.com - The Wessex Light Aeroplane Company Make sure to read this one especially the second article X-Air Australia - XAIR Ultralight Aircraft I'm in the same boat as you with an aging 618 (400 hrs) that is going fine and being used for about 90 hrs per year. For me personally I will probably just go with a rebuild on the 618 from Rotax Rick ( Pricing) for under $A 5000 after freight. It should then be good for 450 to 500 hours. I reckon about $10 an hour for a motor is pretty good. I too have looked at 4 stroke options. The Jab would be nice I guess but there is no guarantee it will last any longer than a rebuilt 618. It also requires new engine mounts, cables and instruments.... All in a New Jab 2200 conversion is near $19K. Even if it runs for 1000 hrs it still works out almost twice as much per hour as a rebuilt 618. Sure 2 stroke oil costs, the 618 burns a couple of liters of fuel extra and I don't like Rotax prices but there is a big difference between $5K and $19K on an aircraft that would be lucky to sell for $14K. There is also an interesting alternative if you are set on a new 4 stroke.... Aeromomentum ( Aeromomentum Aircraft Engine AM10 ) probably less than $13K all in conversion , fuel injected, light and 1500 hr TBO. Good luck, please don't think I'm any expert on this one... I'm hoping to make the best choice too
  5. X-Air Standard vs Flaps - a few thoughts. I fly an X-Air Flaps (618) but have also flown the standard model (582). Here's what I reckon. Common to both models: Brilliant undercarriage - the shocks make slightly dodgy landings seem great. Easy to keep the nose wheel up on rough strips when landing (and taxing with practice) Great Brakes combined with very low stall speeds - for a very short landing roll if needed especially useful for crosswind landings if you happen to let the centerline drift because you didn't drop the wing by the right amount. Fifty is Nifty - both models work well at 50kts. Differences in speed are slight. While the Flaps model is theoretically quicker, there are MANY other factors that effect speed when we are talking about only 5-10kts... Such as Prop pitch, how well the wing and fuselage skins are fitted, how much wind enters the cockpit (through the doors and roof) and very importantly are the ailerons perfectly tensioned and aligned with the wing (even 5mm out will cost you a couple of knots). Fantastic Cockpit View - lovely low instrument panel line allows the pilot to see the runway on best angle of climb and when flaring out a little high on landing. Almost unbeatable for precautionary search and landings ... really don't need to drop a wing to check out a potential landing area at 400ft agl. Very useful if you are out of your depth on a gusty or thermally day and looking put it down on an out strip. Also allows a passenger to easily look out for wildlife while your focused on the landing area. Comfortable Ergonomic Cockpit: Great seats with headrests, easy to leave your hands comfortably on the throttle and joystick ( never feels like grabbing a monkey bar to adjust the throttle). Plenty of control movement on all controls making it easy to set rpm exactly the first time, set an angle of bank exactly where you want it etc quickly from habit. Tons of rudder authority: they both like to lead with the rudder. Even at near stall the rudder is still very usable. Also the high thrust line means that if you are low and slow on approach and get hit by a thermal over the keys just increase the throttle momentarily and the prop wash will stiffen up the rudder allowing you to level the offending wing quickly and continue your landing in most cases. High thrust line: yep the prop is up nice and high. This is what I love most about the X-Airs. Prop damage is so minimised. The prop blades are well away from stones ... just wonderful for dirt strips. I think it also reduces the p-effect. Flaps Model Advantage: Flaps: while the flaps do lower the stall speed you will probably never really use them for this as the plane lands so slowly anyway. The BIG advantage is that the flaps allow you to descend and land easily with some power on. This is great to regulate your temps on a 2 stroke motor. It also allows you to drag the plane in to land GA style for ridiculously short landing rolls. They will also allow a steeper climb angle on take off BUT you really need to watch your speed like a hawk to get much advantage on take off. Fuel and Range: The flaps model allows you to put an extra 40 liter tank above the cockpit between the wing roots. While this tank is a bugger to fill (need a ladder) it means the flaps model is good for 5hrs flying with 30min reserve with a 618. Advantage of Standard Model: Plenty of them: therefore easier to find and buy in good condition secondhand and usually cheaper. Totally fine with out flaps: to be honest I rarely bother to use the flaps on my flaps model. Shorter Wing: makes it easier to get in and out of the hangar etc.
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