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Everything posted by T500

  1. is there going to be one this year ??
  2. Stephen O`Donnell ( C.F.I ) from ATA Flight School Townsville will be at Monto Flyin sat/sun/mon (camping ground) any fellow Pilots nead a B.F.R feel free to grab him at the flyin will be in your aircraft though cheers
  3. try landing on the centre white Line on a grass strip and see where that gets you
  4. Hi Christian, Are we able to have sleeping under wings ?? and if so will this area be seperate from the day fly inners?? We should be arriving between 0630//0700 sat all going well :) If you nead a hand with anything feel free to grab me cheers Steve (ATA Flight School Townsville)
  5. no prob there mate anytime cheers
  6. hows things going Lyle?? I might be in Longreach Sept sometime :)
  7. Hi Jake Give me a bell some time:--- [email protected] and Ill run over the details for you these are just the fees:: $120hr for under 18ylds and uni students and defence mbrs $120 hr otherwise $150 all fees+gst within these fees includes all theory which is inclusive (all class room / briefings are free) cheers Steve
  8. blue water Hi guys Is blue water still happening?? am Interested if it still is cheers
  9. thats what i thought but no hence why i gave it away theres only two schols there so guess they can charge what they want theres about 20planes there and there always booked out
  10. Hi Adrian I had the same prob it comes under REG 5.84(2) GA flight schools just have to look it up (and then get a slap in the face for not knowing it) I had same prob with a school in WA they had no idea quote from casa its up to the CFI to determinat that a person satisfies the day VFR syllabus reg 5.83 Completed does include 2hrs instruments under the hood works out to around 5hrs the killer is if you havent flown their a/c before they put you through the whole trg program again (15hrs min) at $287hr to hire the plane plus $110 hr for the instructor and $67 for landing fees worked it out a rough $7000 :( Hince I only did 2hrs gave the rest away Ill stick to RAA unless I can find a GA school that runs Jab/gazelles as GA a/craft Ill be there
  11. money money money doesnt grow on trees I wish If someone would like to give me $60.000 to $80.000 I'd love to up date my school with a new plane any offers???? It seems 85% of schools are running all HP aircraft and no LP aircraft What happened to the LP aircraft ??? NOT all people want to get from point A to B in the quickest time. Big Property owners prefer the slower aircraft (rag and tube in some cases) so they can check stock fences bores etc The slow older aircraft has its good points Took an (old) 1952 piper colt for a flight from geelong to morrabin top speed 80kts was a dream to fly could actualy look at the view for a change instead of blink and it was gone
  12. i fly a gazell so i keep the nose back for as long as I can till the aircraft lowers its self down onto the nose wheel same with the jab if i put the nose down to early I end up with speed wobble on the nose wheel
  13. hi sorry been having prob getting this to work on my compt I have a trl for my Gazelle its same size as a car trl but the floor has been extened over the wheel arches so i use 13in wheels tandem I havent got the measurements handy has beenpassed for reg in QLD Trl fits the whole plane in open trl, the length is longer than the plane the nose wheel fits over the drawbar only prob i found was when the wings are folded back the plane sits on its butt I forgot this bit :( the nose wheeel neads to be on the draw bar,, back to the drawing board,however would be ideal for a tail dragger when i go out nxt ill get the measuremnts weight came in at 640kg Trl alone, with brakes all round transport reg it as a 2 tonne home built pvt trl (in their words as a pig trl) ps although i did have to take my side clearance lights off to meet the width requirments
  14. well ages ago i started flying a thruster T500 back then no radio no transponder no gps were required however most place requested you had a UHF radio which i might add prob about 80% of lightweight a/c had fitted now if its a VHF plus UHF plus Transponder plus ELT bugger me dead Ill have to change my C of G, let alone where Im going to install all this if required the best thing over the years I found to be the best add on is a landing light in a head on approach this can be seen well ahead (yes in daylight)and in circuits you cant be missed when on final I have found this item to be the best item i have every added to my a/c I have had people say to me, mate we can see you coming for miles :) point taken for $50 bucks its worth it, I have landing lights fitted to all my aircraft and are added to the check list Transponders if you live in city areas like melb/bne/perth/syd etc where its flat out busy with a/c running around yes I would have a transponder however dont forget the guys/girls that live in the out outback like QLD and NT on a property of 300.000acres plus and all they do is fly around all day checking fences and bores etc Transponders are great to have but are not realy a neaded item out there wouldn`t you think so? yes ==== No
  15. like to have an old airbuss A380 for a home
  16. Thanks YEN I was wondering what a spl was too thought it was some new indorsment I missed out on :)
  17. have to catch up with you next time im in leeming Pud I was there for a month at my sisters wondered where I could find any raa strips ? while i was there oh buy the way I have a (dunny in my gazelle for better words for that long wee trip thats neaded most times ) male use only// you just have to make sure where the exit hose is going down wind and not up wind (not pointing in the direction the planes going ) otherwise you will end up with a very messing blow back cheers
  18. well I guess I can add my 2 cents worth here {before I started i best state I flew Thruster/drifter/lightwing/more like 150 hrs in a thruster/} for my RAA instructors I neaded to have 200hrs solo time in log first up// then I payed a school $4500 to do my junior rating (not sure of the hrs here i had to do havent my log here, think was around 75hrs?) as a junior before getting my Instructors, but anyway all depends on the students that turn up, I was there 8hrs a day (weekends) and in that day, I might get one student for 1hr:sad: took me 12 mths to work up my 75hr I also had to learn how to fly a gazelle took 3 hrs that was easy as from the right seat however the jab was another story had to fly this cross over what a nightmare took me ten hrs before i was let up alone :thumb_up: When I got that far I had to also do my PMIs and PPL theory and class 2 medical from instructor to senior instructor, I worked for a school 8hrs aday and just hope a few students turned up as the pay was only $20 per student another 12mths went by now i have had my senior for awhile now and, work weekends at a flying school with Jabs/gazelle/thruster Ps If you dont want to take ages to get there{ Hint } find a school that has a good turn over of students I could go on forever but I guess every little bit helps cheers all
  19. thanks guys I got it yes winsor 68 all up and running now :)
  20. is there an easier way to find what your looking for in here other than spending hrs going through each site to find what your looking for ie; I put in the thread awhile back i get emails please answer your threads, sorry for being rude for not answering the ones sent to me I JUST cant find them to answer your questions back :( :(:hittinghead:
  21. good to hear a few people went to dawn service, I went over to maggie Island 3am ferry for dawn service my father was in the 2nd ww (army)from start to finish he was shot twice at different times, my uncle was airforce and he got shot down 6 times (ouch) Myself i have been in the army 26yrs and now spend time in the reserves (it rubs on you) cheers all T500
  22. wow sorry didnt relise the thread was almost 12 mths old
  23. Skyfox/Gazelle Ive just finished a trailer for my Gazelle heavy duty,winch, ramps , dual wheels brakes etc 7mts long by 2.5 wide made the QLD rego "just" 698kg with a carry weight of 2ton all out cost was $4000 to build theres no such thing as a plane trailer in their books so was reg as a pig trailer I extened the draw bar so the nose wheel could be placed on there giving me extra room for the tail end, with the wings folded they hang over the back by 6in It is a two man job getting it on The side boards are on the outer side of the wheel arches and the wheel arches act as wheel chocks for a skyfox with mains right up to the front board the aircraft would all fit in ;) I just have to find a place to park the trailer now:crying:
  24. Hi, Does anyone know of an accountant in the Townsville area QLD that knows about A/Craft and how to run a Flight School company ie tax what can I claim on, what I can and cant do, whether better to lease or buy, I have two a/c raft that I bought for the school and have spent buckets on the school etc , plus I cover most of Outback Qld and not much income coming in with all the running around (in one hand out the other) I was recieving bills from the accountant for general meetings that were held for the company $160 every 3 mths (wasnt sure if this was normal) , I seem to be out laying money to an accountant and getting nothing in return ie havent recieved any refunds back so far after two years, so I have closed the Company side of it down and just keep my abn, This Company thing is to confusing for my already over maxed brain :) Ive asked other schools with no joy (they keep their tricks to their tade to themselves, which is fare enough) any thoughts? cheers
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