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Everything posted by lightstorm

  1. Check the bulletins re Prop TBO, i see that Woodcomp now have Hrs TBO and Calander TBO
  2. Ultra light version but worth checking with TL-Ultralight via email if it can be 600KG. I have found them quite good to deal with when it came to approvals required to register LSA here in AU. There is also a master equipment list with items that are already factory approved for installation which makes it handy if you wish to change something http://www.sting.aero/owners/downloads/Master%20Equipment%20List%20113112MEL%2031%20Nov%2012.pdf and other info here also, click on the tabs at the top http://www.sting.aero/owners/ Hope this helps Cheers Lightstorm
  3. I currently fly a 2007 Sting 2000 which imported from the USA. It is a True LSA not the lighter Ultralight version. Great plane to fly, Fun to fly and great visibility. I have also done many hours in a Tecnam and it only takes a little to get use to the Sting. The Sting is much lighter on the controls and only requires small movements compared to the Tecnam. This one is fitted with a Sensenich 2 bladed prop and set for around 5200rpm on climb out and sees 800-1000 fpm at 70kts at MTOW (600KG) Cruise speed is 110-115 kts in this configuration and it doesen't change much with weight changes. Stall takes a while to happen but if you hold it back it will drop the wing at a much faster rate than the Tecnam, but it warns you well before this happens. If both a Tecnam and a Sting were sitting there for the taking for a flight, i'd take the Sting first every time! Cheers Lightstorm
  4. I just purchased the New Lightspeed PFX and it is an improvement over the Zulu. Much Quieter, audio louder and clearer and now the TX audio on a bluetooth phone call is very good, they actually didn't believe i was flying! The new control box is BIG compared to the old one but the headset is lighter on your head as all the electronics are now in the control box. Happy i upgraded!
  5. Try this! This is free and is required to operate from certain airports. We had to even get it done on a LSA imported from the USA before it could be put on the RAA Register. https://www.airservicesaustralia.com/noisecertification/default.asp?
  6. Maybe Jabiru powered ? or is it too small for a Jabiru powerplant?
  7. At least 1 hr and 3 touch and goes per month. but realy i think it should be more to become comfortable with the aircraft. Otherwise they need a check flight before next hire. Try these guys for insurance www.aviationinsurance.com.au
  8. Pilots listed on insurance policy, Completed Type conversion/Test flight with CFI, To CFI and your satifaction, Minimum hours and touch and goes per Month or another check flight, Hourly Rate Wet or Dry and Hirer Pays Excess of Insurance incase of misfortune. just some ideas! Have a Tecnam fully optioned with Dynon, Autopilot, Transponder, BRS, 3D Traffic Alert and GPS in our area on limited hire @ $127 inc gst Wet Hire, excess @ $1500
  9. Maybe a MCR Limousine? Limousine S-LSA
  10. Always BP Ultimate 98, and much cheaper if you can claim the road tax back.( For business ) Road tax claimable was 19c per ltr and i believe its going to the full 38c per ltr. makes mogas around half the price of avgas
  11. any news on this yet!
  12. Turn down the Sidetone level on the Radio? usually on the side or top of the radio, and radio will need to be removed from the panel in most cases. should help Lightstorm
  13. Just starting to get interested in Raa Aircraft and ready to take the plunge and start lessons, Had a few flys with one of the friends and he has definatly unleashed the Flying Demon in me. Cant wait to get started !
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