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About ausflier

  • Birthday 09/10/1969


  • Location
    Silkwood, QLD
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Member (1/3)

  1. Bloody sad when you see two people needlessly killed for a "here, hold my beer" moment. Not that you should be drinking beer while flying...
  2. Very sad... RIP old fella. Condolences to family and friends.
  3. Such a shame... a waste of good grapes! Shhhh! Don't tell my wife!
  4. LMAO! Me too... where can I get one?
  5. Lol! Wth was I thinking? MORE coffee! Yes, of course, the Bearhawk! https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://bearhawkaircraft.com/&ved=0ahUKEwismf_ywt7XAhVHFpQKHbEOBScQFggmMAA&usg=AOvVaw04vRAjZ8ccHC52z2CAZZ1O
  6. Just curious...does anyone own a Bearcat here?
    1. ausflier


      I meant Bearhawk!
  7. Just curious...does anyone own a Bearcat here?
    1. ausflier


      I meant Bearhawk!
  8. G'day fellow aviators, I am a GA pilot, having gained my PPL at YBAF in 1997. I have an RG and MCPP (old CSU) endorsement, gaining these on a beautiful Rockwell R114 Commander. I have flown C150, C152, C172, C182, C210, PA28-161 Warrior II, PA28-180 Archer, PA28-200 Arrow and R114 Commander. Seriously considering getting my tailwheel endorsement next year, along with my RAAus licence. I would love a C182 King Katmai, but unless I win lotto, I can't see that happening soon! For a tailwheeler that carries 4 pax, I like the Bearcat.
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