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About avid_flyer

  • Birthday August 21

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  1. RAM mount with the suction cup works a treat....
  2. Thanks Mike Waypoint Manager worked a treat! Was able to add approx 60 airfields (and min details) in a few hours. And now I have copy of them backed up on my pc. Thanks again Ange
  3. Hello Everybody I have just bought a Garmin 296, and just "presumed" that unlicensed aiports whould have been on the database... silly me! Is there an "easy" way of adding these airports, ALA's etc into the database.. Thanks Ange
  4. Hi Internation Tent is a great meeting place.... Its open every day early till the close of the airshow. There's a notice board tht you can put your business card, catch up mob numbers, camping details or "mud map" location on.... It will surprise you who you can run into. f you are going to Oshkosh, it is worth joining the EAA.. you get discount on enterance and amping fees. Different aircraft types and clubs meet at various locations around the venues. The Avid Flyer people meet at Seaplane base on the Wed arvo... It was wonderful for me to meet these members and see their pride and joys and hear their tales! I think anyone can look at the EAA.org site. Check out the forums and aircraft type get togethers. Let me know if you want anymore details, info etc wannabigplane!! Ange
  5. Hi Wannabigplane We ( a group of 9) went to Osh last year. It was just incrediable! We started off with a few days in LA, and did a bit of sightseeing. Oshkosh, Buffalo to go to Nigarra Falls Then down to Washington DC (there are in fact 7 Smithsonian's.. 2 avaition museums, fine art, modern art, American Indian etc..... One of the Aviation Museems is in the city and the other is at Duell's Airport.. can get a shuttle bus on the hour from the airport to Muesem. Then Vegas... dont forget the Boneyard... Hope to get there next year, when hopefully go back the USA again. San Francisco and home... all in about 22 days. We wanted to see as much as we could in that time. If you going to plan a trip also dont forget the "Spruce Goose" at McMinville, Orgeon. Boeing @ Seattle... use the net to surf out aviation museums before you go... also join the EAA and check out their site for upcoming events. Good luck .. you will be "gobsmacked" with all that is on offer at Oshkosh. Dont forget the International Test .. every day.. welcome shade, cool drinking water and a good meeting point and the Internation Dinner on the Thurs Evening. Excellent!! Well worth the time and effort. Ange
  6. Mes..... think this is a funny joke!! :clown::clown:
  7. avid_flyer


    So now I know where my goat is!!!
  8. Hey Ian.. I did wear my Recreational Flying Tee Shirt!!! And was asked about all the associations involved in flying in Aus !!! Ange
  9. Hi All We stepped off the plane from San Francisco-Auckland-Melb at 1005 today! Boarded at 2100 Monday evening. Spent almost 7 days at Oshkosh.. Yes it is worth the trip. Save your pennies & dollars now for all the tipping! We also spent 2 weeks touring ~ Los Angles, Chicago (drove to Oshkosh), Buffalo (Nigarra Falls), Washington DC, Las Vegas (Grand Canyon)and San Francisco. Once I spart to unpack my case(s) Had 10 flights in all. Only had 1 delay, but boy am I over "USA Airports". I will post here, soon in the next couple of days. 9 of us went from West District of Vic. We organised all our own events. So far, I think that I have taken heap of pics. 3 x 1Gig cards Will have to spent a bit of time going over them. Ang
  10. Hey... I am a Deakin Student!!!!!
  11. Yes, Please pass on our best wishes too!Ang
  12. I will ask the others permission, and if they agree, I will put up our itinery, and the people going. I can access the net from the EAA members marque, so perhaps I can keep you posted from onsite. Some of the highlights of AirVenture already listed are:- Beach Boys concert Monday night. 13,000 aircraft parked onsite. Glacier Girl. (Lockheed P-38) Theatre in the Woods. Warbirds. Aviation Greats. NASA exhibition. EAA museum. Seaplane Base. Heaps of forums and workshops. The daily schedule looks awesome. Link http://www.airventure.org:80/2007/planning/daybyday_schedule.html and the Oshkosh AirVenture link : www.airventure.org Ange
  13. Hi Mark We are leaving Lew in charge of the fort! I will pass on your reguards. PS How is the Supapup going? He is bound to ask. Ange
  14. Harold the Computer Guy Harold the Computer Guy I was having trouble with my computer. So I called Harold, the computer guy, to come over. Harold clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem. He gave me a bill for a minimum service call. As he was walking away, I called after him, "So, what was wrong?" He replied, "It was an 'ID ten T' error." I didn't want to appear stupid, but I nonetheless inquired, "An ID ten T Error? What's that, in case I need to fix it again?" Harold grinned. "Haven't you ever heard of an ID ten T error before?" "No," I replied. "Write it down," he said, "and I think you'll figure it out." So I wrote it down. I D 1 0 T I used to like Harold...
  15. Hi All, Any other locals going over to Oshkosh? I am going over with a group of 8 others from SW Vic. I will wear my Recreational Flyer T shirt with pride, and fly the flag for the group! Ange Avidflyer
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