It seems like no clear out come whether to leave pump on or off other than what the flight manual says, so let’s say nothing mentioned regarding pump on or off as with many home built experimentals and also the Tecnam p92 Australian Flight Manual which I read cover to cover.
So how is this for an idea if unsure what is required.
1: Pump on prime engine, check pressure, pump off, 2: start engine and do run ups, check pressure and if no gauge and engine continues running, engine pump considered serviceable for flight, 3: before take off pump on check pressure and have 2 pumps on for duration of flight, the same as what we do with running both magnetos, we don’t run 1 mag and if the engine stops at 200’ we turn the other mag on. 4: should the engine stop and we have a forced landing we do what some flight manuals emergency procedures say and that is open doors, fuel off, master switch off and that will eliminate the problem of an electric fuel pump squirting fuel out should something rupture. 5: after landing we do clean up, flaps up, lights off, txp standby, fuel pump off, trim set neutral.
This procedure should check both the electric and mechanical pump for serviceability before each flight, just like doing a mag check.
I checked the 1.5 - 4 psi Facet fuel pumps on eBay, cost A $62.96 draw 1.6 amps and says lasts 4-5 times longer than many other rotary type pumps, so I don’t care about wearing out a $63.00 fuel pump for safety sake.
What’s everybody’s thoughts ?
Pump ON or pump OFF ?