Those of us who constantly whinge and moan about something, and that's probably anything and everything for some, constant incessant moaners.
If we want to be credible and our whinging to be taken seriously - then let's see some credible alternatives that can solve ALL our problems, accompanying our gripes.
If we can't provide an alternative, don't moan.
The seemingly obvious and helpful option, would be to help those whom I believe are doing their best to keep RAAus operating in a professional way, and, taking a professional approach to the viability of OUR movement, RAAus. Those charged with running our club, Association, Company are following CASA rules, and these rules were written years ago, but not followed as they should have been by some, then CASA Audits found these shortcomings, and demanded fixes, hence the Rego debacle a few years back.
The rules were always there, just some, delegated with the responsibility of overseeing those rules adhered to and carried out, chose to, "do it their way," and when the proverbial hit the fan, they conveniently packed their bags and disappeared.
Maybe we should consider the alternative: Run RAAus out of business/close them down, who do you think we'll have to deal with then to be able to pursue our passion to fly? Exactly, CASA, and do you think they will listen to our moaning? Not on your Nellie! Do you think they will give us an opportunity to voice our disapproval with their mode of operation? Not on your Nellie! Will they consult before increasing fees? Not on your Nellie! Will fees increase? You can bet on your Nellie!
We're in this together, let's be supportive, or present an acceptable and workable alternative, nominate for the board, whatever we need to do if we're unsatisfied, put our money where our mouth is, and step up to the plate and make things better for us all.
Naysayers are part of the problem. Visionaries are part of the solution. Ask ourselves. Which camp do I belong to?
I'm not picking on anyone in particular, it's just that there seems a lot of dissatisfaction in some of these posts.
Is it FAIR?