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Everything posted by Neil_S

  1. Hi Webby, Welcome aboard! Good on you for aspiring to be an Aviation Fire Fighter - I hope you get there. Cheers, Neil
  2. Welcome, B-P, Good to hear about you and the Savannahs! You do an excellent and very worthwhile job. It will be good to hear about some of the things you come up against. Glad to help out if there is anything I can assist with. Cheers, Neil
  3. Hi Neil, Well here's hoping you do too! Let us know what you are doing/flying and how you go. Cheers, Neil
  4. Hi, I went on a flight in a Mustang with MustangJoyFlights a number of years ago. Not sure if they are still operating, but why not call them? Link below.... Bookings Cheers, Neil PS It was a birthday present, so not sure how much it cost.....
  5. Hi Marty, I remember it well because I was working for British Airways at Heathrow at the time. The internal newsletter was full of articles about it, of course. An amazing guy! Cheers, Neil
  6. Hi Vev, Looking forward to it!! Cheers, Neil
  7. Hi Vev, Looking forward to it!! Cheers, Neil
  8. Hi BP, You could also try :- C H Smith Marine Arnold's Boat Shop I have sourced SS Marine grade D shackles from both these guys. I used shackles having a pin with a seizing hole so I could safety wire them. Good luck! Cheers Neil
  9. Yup - me too. And I sit on a cushion in my Savvy S!
  10. We used to dream about a drawing of a candle....
  11. Have you seen the half propeller from the R101 at the Shuttleworth Collection? Massive!
  12. Hi Neil & , The weather around Melbourne hasn't been too good recently either! We're hoping the approaching autumn will be better. My wife and I visited Upper Hutt a number of years ago - it's a nice part of the world..... Good luck with your flying. Cheers, Neil
  13. Hi Roger, Welcome to the forums Good luck building your Savvy - I am sure you will enjoy it! There are lots of others here building Savvys, so don't be afraid to ask if you have questions. Keep us posted with your progress.... Cheers, Neil
  14. ...total non-event - we already have thousands of dummies in road vehicles.....
  15. Me neither!
  16. Welcome to the site, Vince!
  17. Hi Jay, I don't know about hiring, but I bought a couple from Mendelssohn Pilot Supplies a couple of years ago. Reckoned I would be flying near/over water enough times to make it worthwhile. Cheers, Neil
  18. Hi Jterry, I have had a Savannah S for a couple of years and like it very much. I have the long-range tanks, so that gives me 140 litres of fuel. The book gives a burn figure of 18.5 litres an hour, but I have been getting around 15, so that gives me more than 8 hours plus reserve. I also like the low stall speed of 26 kts (less with just me in the plane), which gives me the best options for getting down safely should the fan stop. I plan on a TAS of 90kts at 5000 revs, which seems to have been pretty accurate. I also have the adjustable seats, which I have found to suit most different size people. So I would recommend it for people like me who like low and slow flying with STOL performance. HTH Cheers, Neil
  19. Hi Geoff, From Penfield/Sunbury I go Kilmore Gap, Managalore, Violet Town, then turn east to Myrtleford, Rosewhite Town, Kancoona, then fly down the Kiewa Valley. Gives me reasonable options of valley floors to land in, avoiding the mountains. HTH Cheers, Neil
  20. AU$200,000 for a 4 year old model. I wonder what a new one would cost....
  21. Hi Ralf, I fly out of Penfield, so often fly into that area from the west. You could certainly do what you suggest, keeping aware of Kyneton Airport (119.0), or you could follow the Calder a little further south to Rosslynne Reservoir, then turn east and approach Riddell's from there, keeping a good listen out, and look out, for Penfield traffic (121.6 - same as Riddell's). As you say, you must keep a close eye on your altitude, stepping down appropriately. Be aware of the 2000ft step just to the east of Riddell's too. If it is a windy day then also just keep in mind the potential effects of Mt Macedon - it can get a bit bumpy, so keep at least 100ft under the ATC steps to avoid any unintentional foray into Controlled Airspace! If you have dual radio then keep a listen on the Area frequency (135.7) too, as the controllers may warn you if you are getting too close for their comfort. They are pretty good in that respect. HTH, Cheers, Neil
  22. Hi Rob, Having worked in IT for nearly 40 years there is one thing that is certain - it is not a question of IF hardware or software will fail but WHEN. I know of iPads failing, overheating, and batteries running flat. It is also the case that software bugs exist. Don't get me wrong, I have AVPlan on an iPad Mini, and on my phone as a (non-legal) backup, I also have an Aera 500 in the panel, AND I also have paper charts and, of course, a compass. You can never have too many backups, and Sod's Law says the hardware or software will fail at the most inconvenient time. Learning to navigate from first principles using paper maps and compass as part of your initial training is beneficial, because it gives you the foundation to understand all the electronic stuff. If the electronic stuff failed you would still have the ability to track your position using map and compass, and navigate to a safe location. Although it is very unlikely that we will have an off-airfield landing we still practice them - in the same way it is unlikely that the electronic stuff will all fail, but I still think it is good to have that knowledge as a backup, just in case. Cheers, Neil
  23. Good luck, mate! It is so encouraging to hear of people like yourself, keen to open a new airstrip and maybe airpark, when so many existing are closing. Cheers, Neil
  24. I seem to remember that when dealing with ATC on Area frequency they are happy to have you use nomenclature " Light Sports 1234", which is apparently good enough for them to distinguish you from the big stuff, and GA. When in the circuit and on CTAF then use type and numbers, eg "Savannah 1234" as the other aircraft are most likely light aircraft whose pilots would be familiar with Jabiru, Skyranger, Savannah etc, and that would be better to allow them to distinguish between these aircraft. Cheers, Neil
  25. Hi Murray, You don't say if your aircraft is homebuilt (19 rego) or factory (24 rego). I think if homebuilt you can do any mods you like, but factory-built you still need to get approval from the manufacturer (and do a new weight/balance calc). I could be wrong, but why not call RAAus and ask the Tech Manager? They will be able to give a definitive answer. Cheers, Neil
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