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Everything posted by Neil_S

  1. G'day, Mike! (from a southerner now living in Melbourne). Is your Savvy an S? Have had mine for a couple of years now. Cheers, Neil
  2. Bonjour, Rollerball, Welcome to the site! As a Savvy owner myself I shall be very interested to hear how the scimitar blade prop goes once you have had some time using it... Cheers, Neil
  3. Hi JG, That is extremely thoughtful of you - thanks! I have noted your number, but hope I never need to use it. Best Regards, Neil
  4. Absolutely brilliant! Thanks for posting. Neil
  5. G'day Frank, Which airfield do you fly from? Cheers, Neil
  6. Stronger headwind he would have gone backwards!!
  7. I have a radio where I can listen on a second frequency, so usually have it on Area and I have twice had ATC advise of "two aircaft in the vicinity of xxx at altitude yyy on a potential collision course" - one of which was me. I responded to one of the calls saying I was altering course and altitude, but ATC did not communicate further - I guess they were either busy, or just felt the initial advice was all that was necessary, especially as I was altering course. I also have a Mode S transponder, so they would have been able to see me. I went with a bunch of other pilots to a talk given by ATC at Melbourne airport, and basically they said they do not want to hear from us in the normal course of events, although obviously in an emergency they would respond. I am pretty happy if they continue to just broadcast if they see two VFR aircraft in the same area and altitude on a potential collision course as obviously that adds to our situational awareness, and makes us look around rather more in an appropriate direction. Neil
  8. Hi, I have the adjustable seat as I am vertically challenged, so I have it forward, while my passengers usually have theirs back. I have a cushion too, so I find the comfort level fine. The flap lever is between my legs, and I have the central control column. The empty weight is around 310kg, but as I weigh only 60kg even with a full 140 litres of fuel (100kg) and 10kg baggage the TOW is 480kg. Could still have a passenger of 100kg and be below 600kg.... HTH, Neil
  9. Hi Simon & , Good decision! Where will you be doing your learning? Cheers, Neil
  10. Hi MajorTom, Welcome to the forums here, and I just know you will enjoy both the build, and flying, of your Savannah! That is one cool RC model you have in your picture - building the Savvy should be easy after that! Cheers, Neil
  11. Gimme some!
  12. Hi George, I always dip my tanks before flying so I have a good idea of total fuel. Then I fly on the inner tanks first, and if/when they reach about half on the wing root gauge I switch on both outer tanks. The level takes a little while to adjust, but then I just double the amount shown on the gauge. At the end of the day I find 140 litres to be plenty for most of my flying, and with just me on board most of the time I find I get a tad under 15 litres an hour cruising at 5000rpm, although I use the book figure of 18.5 for planning. If I haven't used the outer tanks for a while then I will switch them on anyway so the fuel gets used and doesn't get stale! HTH Cheers, Neil
  13. Hi Gio and welcome, What sort of flying do you do? Cheers, Neil
  14. Welcome from another old self-funded retiree, but one who has only ever flown single-engine day VFR! Look forward to hearing more....
  15. Hi Tex, Welcome back! Let us know how you go.... Cheers, Neil
  16. Hi Karen, I have just had a look at your blog and found it really interesting and useful. Thanks for sharing! Cheers, Neil
  17. Welcome back, Phil! Is that you flying the Lancaster? Cheers, Neil
  18. Hi Ari, I have visited Finland a few times (Taavetti) as my wife is from there! Lots of trees and lakes - not many options for wheeled planes! I guess floatplanes are quite popular? I like the look of the Groppo Trail - especially with the folding wings. I used to have a Skyfox Gazelle which had folding wings. I see Inkoo is near the coast, west of Helsinki - will you put floats on your plane? Cheers, Neil
  19. Hi mhurston, Welcome! Tell us where you will be learning, and what you will be flying... Cheers, Neil
  20. Hi Jochen, Welcome! I am sure a few nice dinners out will work! My wife even let me put the cars out on the driveway so I could build in our garage Good luck! Neil
  21. Hi Denis & , Go for it! You will not regret it! I fly out of Penfield and come up to Bendigo quite frequently - it's a good location. Best of luck with your flying training - keep us informed of your progress. Cheers, Neil
  22. I recently started watching a program called "Airplane Repo" on Channel 9GO (93) on Wednesdays at 8.30 - quite amazing. Based in the US (of course), about guys who work for the banks "recovering" planes (and boats) with outstanding repayments by basically stealing them from under the "owner's" nose. Needless to say, the "pre-flight" checks done before they sneak a take-off are quite interesting. A few back episodes are available on 9 Catch Up. Also noticed a program coming up on Saturday Jan 7th on 7Mate at 7.00 called Guy Martin's Spitfire - looks very interesting too....
  23. Hi Riley, I had the same issue when I took the course a while back. You are supposed to get the info, so I gave them a call and was told they were working on fixing it. Shortly afterwards they (manually) sent me the ones I got wrong. So I got there in the end :) Cheers, Neil
  24. Congratulations! As a Savannah S owner I can say without reservation that you will thoroughly enjoy both building and flying your Savvy! Keep us updated with your progress... Cheers, Neil
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