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Everything posted by Neil_S

  1. Ah yes! So when are you over Penfield way again?
  2. Personally I find the full size iPad too big for a small cockpit, and so I have an iPad Mini on a kneepad, which has worked fine for me...
  3. Hi Matt! Good to have you on board. Where do you fly from? What sort of flying do you like (local, long-distance etc) Cheers, Neil
  4. Hi Marty, Good to hear from you! Hope all is well. Actually it is "Warbirds over Wanaka", and is a must for any WW2 plane enthusiast. Also there are the shows at Omaka (the two shows occur on alternate years), which are a sheer delight for WW1 plane enthusiasts like me. So you will have to head over to NZ on TWO years Have to admit the Kiwis put on bloody good shows!! Cheers, Neil
  5. Hi Jonathan, Yeh - we all put it off for far too long! Hope you put in an airstrip and enjoy flying from your own back door - my back yard is not quite big enough Keep us informed of your progress, and all the best! Cheers, Neil
  6. Hi Sonja, Welcome from a fellow Melbournite. Where/what are you flying? Cheers, Neil
  7. Details added - now cross fingers the wx is good.....
  8. Hmmm - I love flying my plane, but the reason I like Fly-Ins and Airshows is not so much looking at other aircraft, although that is fun if they are a bit unusual, but talking with the other attendees. Some will be fellow pilots/builders, and others not, it doesn't matter. That is probably why I did not get to see everything I wanted even in 7 days at Oshkosh - I just seemed to spend so much time talking to people. The sheer variety of backgrounds, experience, and opinions was great, and I made a few useful contacts with whom I will keep in touch. But maybe that's just me..... Cheers, Neil
  9. Neil_S

    Tow bar?

    Thanks, guys, much appreciated. I actually don't need to make one any more as my hangar mate also bought a Savannah, and it came with a towbar, so I just borrow his! I will upload some pics next time I go out to the airfield so you can see how it is made. Basically fits over the axle within the nosewheel fork. Very simple, but effective. Regards, Neil
  10. Totally agree. In my 40 years in IT it was staggering to me the number of times a company had a pathetically small test system that was next to useless when it came to testing changes that were to go on a (e.g.) multi-gigabyte, 1000+ concurrent user live system. When asked, the support guys pretty much always said that they were "not allowed" to buy a sensible, representative test system as it would cost too much. When I asked the cost of putting essentially untested changes live that then brought the live system practically to a halt there was a deafening silence....
  11. I think not. Still waiting to hear when I might be able to log in, and if those who logged in earlier in the day (like you and my daughter) have had their data compromised....
  12. I would fill it in, but predictably I continually fail to get in to the site as the system cannot handle the load and they are too cheapskate to buy a system capable of handling millions of concurrent users....
  13. G'day, Noel, Some good flying country round your neck of the woods.... Cheers, Neil
  14. Hi Brendon, I did mine at Lethbridge a couple of years ago, but not sure if they still do them there. Try giving them a ring (Bill Weeks). Cheers, Neil
  15. Hi Marty, No - not much flying atm, horrible wet and windy weather here, as I am sure it is in your neck of the woods too! I am off to Oshkosh at the end of next week to escape the weather here, and to drool over the loads of lovely airplanes there Cheers, Neil
  16. Hi Marty, Howya doing? Very interesting article - I thought it looked rather Pup-like! The shot where you can see the wing section shows it is a very narrow profile.....hmmm. Thanks for posting! Cheers, Neil
  17. Hi Jfob, Welcome to the site! NZ is a great place to fly. Cheers, Neil
  18. Welcome, Andrew! I am sure you will enjoy the forums here. Cheers, Neil
  19. That's appalling! It looks like a beautiful plane. I used to drive along the A3 from my house in Hampshire to my workplace at Heathrow airport for many years - I can imagine the chaos :( I hope he manages to repair it .......
  20. Hi, & . This is a great site - I am sure you will find lots of stuff to interest you! Cheers, Neil
  21. Mine is factory built S, Rotax 912 ULS, no chute, 6" tyres, 310kg empty weight. Cheers, Neil
  22. With diabetes RA-Aus still requires you to get a letter from your GP every year saying your diabetes is under control and you are fit to hold a driver's licence. That is what I have to do with my Type 2...... Cheers, Neil
  23. Begs the question "Who put the moron in Moronbah?".......
  24. Hi Dan, Welcome to the site! Cheers, Neil
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