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Everything posted by Neil_S

  1. Yes - that is who I am going with. Have been to Wanaka and Omaka with them and they were great, plus you get to meet up and travel with other aircraft nerds! I have an aircon room booked at the uni, so should be fine. I am also a member of EAA, so I get cheaper entry, plus can buy a weeklong ticket for my brother at the cheaper rate too. Just doing the Oshkosh week (this time anyway!). They will be having a WW1 special display, so I will be like a pig in ....er... mud. Cheers, Neil
  2. Do you guys who will be there this year fancy meeting up to say Hi? If so, any ideas for a good place & time? Cheers, Neil
  3. Brilliant stuff, Debra! What you have done is inspirational, and I hope it encourages both more mature folk, and also more ladies into doing the same. You are proof that with determination and spirit you can achieve anything you set out to. I hope you enjoy the rest of your flying. My best moment was also flying a Gazelle, coming back from a trip about 6 miles out from my airfield I was joined for a short while by a flock of five or six ibis. I don't know how long they flew close by, but it seemed like it was for ages. Pure magic, and a totally unforgettable moment. I hope you experience something similar. Best wishes, Neil
  4. I really like it. Low and slow, short take-off and landing, and 140 litre tanks gives me close to 7.5 hours endurance plus reserve. My previous plane was a Gazelle, which was also great, but the endurance was only around 2.5 hours plus 45 minute reserve, which was ultimately quite limiting.
  5. Hi Baz, Sure is. A Savannah S. Whereabouts do you live, and where will you be flying from? Cheers, Neil
  6. Hi Baz & , Good luck with your RAA flying! Cheers, Neil
  7. Neil_S


    Good call, Nico13! Where are you learning, and what plane are you flying? Cheers, Neil
  8. Looks like a brilliant line-up. Wish I could have been there! Cheers, Neil
  9. I use AVPlan, and have found it intuitive, I have not used OZRunways. The support I have got from Bev and the guys has been excellent - always a key point for any application for me. I also like the AVPlan weather overlay and the Head Up Display that shows height AGL as well as altitude - useful for ensuring I keep 500 ft AGL over terrain, and potentially very useful if I had to make a forced landing. I have used AVPlan for a trip from Archerfield in QLD to Penfield (Sunbury) in Victoria. As commented before, they seem to leapfrog features, so it probably comes down to whichever you feel most comfortable with - both have a 30 day free trial. HTH Neil
  10. Hi Bob, My wife and I visited Vancouver last year - liked it very much. Good luck with the Foxbat - I have heard they are very nice to fly. Cheers, Neil
  11. Hi Rich, Good luck with your diet - cutting out/down carbs and sugar certainly helped my brother lose a stack of weight, and I believe Paleo goes further than that, so you should succeed! As Tony said, maybe the tooth fairy can help with the cash - how many teeth do you have left? Cheers, Neil
  12. Hi Phil, Good to see another Savannah driver on the site Tell us a bit more about your flying - where you fly from, what sort of flying you like, how long you have been flying etc.... Cheers, Neil
  13. Hi Mike, Welcome aboard! Do you currently fly, or is the Corby your first venture? Cheers, Neil
  14. That is a work of art!
  15. Hi Nik, I would love to watch the whole series but am not a Pay TV subscriber - any chance it may come out as a DVD (set)? Or on some other media I can access? iTunes? Thanks, Neil
  16. Hi Flyerme, Was one of the museums you tried the Shuttleworth Collection? They have such a range of vintage aircraft they may have a good chance of guesstimating the period and/or aircraft. Alternatively the people at Farnborough have extensive knowledge too. Best of luck - it looks superb! Cheers, Neil
  17. Hi, Suggest you could call Reg Brost, the Savannah dealer for Eastern Australia - he would know. +61 418 157 044 Cheers, Neil
  18. Hi Norm, and I hope you get to fly and enjoy whatever microlight you end up with. Keep us informed of your progress! Cheers, Neil
  19. Hi Craig & Hope you find a suitable plane soon! Cheers, Neil
  20. Cool! Thanks for the info! Cheers, Neil
  21. Absolutely pathetic. I have sent the link to a number of my UK mates so they can sign, and forward to their mates. For God's sake don't let CASA see it.....
  22. With AVPLAN you can buy the Flightace Country Airstrip Guide for $69.95 a year and/or the AOPA guide for $49.00 a year. Cheers, Neil
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