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Everything posted by Neil_S

  1. Hi, It's probably listed as unairworthy as the engine has not been run since before COVID. Engine was running On Condition at 2300 hours. Cheers, Neil
  2. Hi folks, Not mine, but if anyone is interested there is a Gazelle for sale at Penfield by auction on Thursday August 8th. 1996 Skyfox Gazelle CA25N Ultralight 2 Seater Aircraft Auction (0001-3029867) | Grays Australia WWW.GRAYS.COM Cheers, Neil
  3. Hi Danny, I also fly a Savannah and my local airfield has all circuits to the west, so depending on the wind direction I may fly either a left or right hand circuit. So, as IBob says, just stick with it and you will not be fussed by right hand circuits. Personally I find it an advantage as it means I am happy with either, so landing at a different airfield with a RH circuit is no drama. In fact I have found many airfields in Victoria seem to have RH circuits either for noise abatement or terrain avoidance, so it's definitely an advantage to have such experience. Cheers, Neil
  4. Hi Skippy, Easier to see. The fuel can dry very quickly and it's sometimes hard to see exactly where it was on the stick. Keeping a finger on the end of the tube until read is just more precise. Cheers, Neil
  5. In addition, when departing the circuit please do NOT say " departing for the training area" - those of us not familiar with your airfield and training area will have no clue what direction the training area may be from the airfield. Give a bearing instead, eg "departing the circuit on crosswind tracking north-east on climb to 3500" Cheers, Neil
  6. Hi IBob, I have some narrow plastic tubing I bought from an aquarium shop - I was thinking just use zipties to attach a length to my wooden dipstick. Cheers, Neil
  7. That is really neat! I might try and put one like that together.... Comes under the "why didn't I think of that" heading 🙂 Cheers, Neil
  8. Hi guys, After many years trying to find something that worked I came across the wonderful strap wrench. Available at Bunnings in multiple sizes for <$15. Works a treat! Cheers, Neil
  9. Hi Luke, No - no parachute. Cheers, Neil
  10. My Savvy S with standard steam gauges, long range tanks, carpet, adjustable seats, centre stick, manual flaps and 15x6.00-6 tyres is 310.5 kgs. Cheers, Neil
  11. Hi Kogg, I have a Savannah S with the normal 15" x 6.00 x 6 tyres. Had it for about 9 years. I normally only use 1 stage of flaps for landing as it still lands plenty short. I am light and flying solo usually the plane would be about 500kg (1100 lbs) I approach at about 50 knots (57.5 mph). As you are aware, the plane is draggy and those big tyres of yours would just make it more so. I reduce to about 45knots (52 mph) on flaring and touch down at about 40 knots (46mph), nose high to keep the wheel off the ground for as long as possible. In gusty conditions I do a flapless landing slightly faster. I prefer using the one stage of flap as it also means I don't have to reconfigure for a go around. My hangar mate has a Savvy VG with slightly larger tyres than mine (maybe 18"), but smaller than yours. I'm pretty sure he always does a flapless landing. If I feel the plane descending a bit too rapidly just before touchdown I add a bit of power to cushion the touchdown. My home strip is about 1200m grass, so we don't really need to land short, although I am usually stopped in about 200 - 300m anyway. Hope this helps! Cheers, Neil
  12. I agree - and made that exact suggestion of UNICOM to RAAus after my arrival on Friday. There should have been a nominated runway that people could hear about 10nm out so they could plan their approach accordingly. Particularly if wind was light (as it was on Friday). Hopefully this has been taken on board. As I was on downwind for 22 I saw an aircraft taking off from 04, presumably because a) it was more convenient for them with less taxiing/bactracking from the terminal area, and b) the wind was light. Cheers, Neil
  13. Hi Skippy, Yeh - the front-mounted distributor was a pain on earlier models - my mate used to spray everything with WD-40! Later models like mine had a cover, which seemed to do the trick. Cheers, Neil
  14. Hi FlyingBaz, I also spoke to an avionics guy a while ago about setting up the ADSB OUT on my Trig 21 transponder. He also said I would need a certified GPS source (my Garmin Aera 500 is not certified apparently). I think he mentioned the Garmin 335 too. It would therefore cost thousands, including his labour, to buy and to hook it up. He said to just get the Skyecho, which I did, and was able to claim the government rebate with no issues at all. Total cost was about $450 (it was a while ago). Cheers, Neil
  15. Hi Skippy, I used to own a Mini in the UK. Absolutely loved it. Could park anywhere and with the low CG could sling it round corners in narrow country lanes with ease. The only drawback was changing the oil filter - I have small fingers but I still used to lose the skin on my knuckles every time. Hate the newer BMW "Mini" - total crap. Cheers, Neil
  16. According to retiring RAAus Ops Mgr Jill Bailey last week they are hoping for CTA access for appropriately equipped RAAus aircraft late 2025 or early 2026....... They wanted to get 760kg stuff done first.
  17. Hi Deano747, AVPlan also shows the ADSB-IN info from your Skyecho (in green to distinguish from other AVPlan users in blue). OZRunways did not want to share their users' info with AVPlan, instead saying people should all get Skyechos. Now they are Boeing, who knows? Cheers, Neil
  18. Hi Loonybob, "Vortices" - sorry, many years of painful Latin lessons at school forced me to tell you...... Cheers, Neil
  19. Hi all, Having started replacing broken VGs (about 8 so far) on my Savannah after about 8 years I would be wary of using superglue as it implies permanence. Mostly the vertical part has got brittle and snapped, leaving the base. Getting the old ones off without removing all the underlying paint is the challenge. I have found that careful use of sidecutters and/or Stanley blade works quite well, and if a lug is left in the hole then I just push it through. I then put some clear, neutral-cure silicon on the bottom of the new VG and insert the lugs into the two holes. Ones I have replaced using this method have been fine for a year or more now. HTH Neil
  20. Hi RFguy, I haven't actually changed anything yet, but it was mainly to have the options mentioned above. It pi$$ed me off not to be able to run on condition when I had run the Rotax on condition for ages in my previous plane. Also, although I have not done so, the option to change the prop makes sense to me as loads of home-built Savannahs use Bolly props. Larger tyres also becomes an option..... So it was really to move away from the more onerous restrictions which IMO are somewhat unnecessary. I don't intend moving away to anything radical that 19 reg Savannah pilots have not done before. I don't want to be a test pilot. Cheers, Neil
  21. Jack - you could change to Experimental. I have done so with my 24 reg Savannah so I have more options for things like running on condition, changing the prop etc Cheers, Neil
  22. I would echo your advice to steer clear of Facebook Marketplace - I was looking for a small trailer and replied to an ad for one. The first thing the guy did was ask for my mobile number so he could call to arrange for me to view it. Never heard from him again. Called Telstra to get them to block any attempt to port/transfer my number and the lady also said to avoid FB Marketplace as full of scammers. Cheers, Neil
  23. Hi folks, Just FYI I had some friends in another plane check that they could see my Skyecho paint on their EFB from about 10nm away, and they confirmed they could. I could also see their Skyecho paint on my EFB from well before, so I guess that indicates that my Skyecho with its velcro/ziptie mount is located reasonably well. Cheers, Neil
  24. Hi guys, As the weather was half decent today I went for a fly and took some pix of my Skyecho mount....... Cheers, Neil
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