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Everything posted by Neil_S

  1. Hi Scott, Great video! Thanks for posting. Cheers Neil
  2. Brilliant! Loved it.
  3. Hi MM, Will try & be there - wx permitting! Cheers Neil
  4. Hi Guru, Now you have your pax endo take your missus up for a fly - it might sway the deal wrt $50k...... Cheers Neil
  5. Excellent! Thanks for posting!
  6. Hi Mauld, Love it! Thanks for posting. Cheers Neil
  7. Hi Highwing, Welcome to the forums. Tell us a bit more about yourself - what plane you fly etc... Cheers Neil
  8. Excellent videos, DP. Thanks for posting. Lovely planes - nice aileron design (I think they nicked it from my Gazelle.....) Cheers, Neil
  9. Hi Mal, Low Performance endo is disappearing, so that's one you won't have to do. Lethbridge do T/W in a Savage Cub. Not sure about 2 stroke! Cheers Neil
  10. Hi David, I am used to it! Being small (sorry, vertically challenged if we want to be PC) I have spent my life on the end of heightist "jokes", and....wait for it.... my birthday is April 1st, so for the last nearly 60 years I have had the "April fool" jokes, which people somehow think they are the first to come up with....! In fact the only reason I started flying was so I could finally look down on my friends.... Cheers, Neil
  11. Don't disagree - but that situation is common everywhere (and not just in flying circles). It does not justify tarring ALL people/pilots with the same brush based on the physical location of the individual(s) that you disagree with. I am from the UK and was grossly offended a while back by somebody who, on hearing my accent, made the gross assumption I agreed with then UK prime minister Margaret Thatcher because I was from the UK. He was lucky to get away with his head still on his shoulders. The opinions of individuals are just that - individual opinions.
  12. Why do you assume this is the opinion of all pilots in Australia????? "People in Aus" - do you know ALL of us? Is your opinion the opinion of ALL pilots in the US?
  13. Hi Alf, I had also read that they then swung back to recommending the 50/50 glycol/water again.....We run the 50/50 in our 80hp 912A with no problem. I also bought a refractometer to check the ratio of glycol to water in the overflow bottle, and it does seem to indicate that the mixture will gradually acquire a slightly higher glycol ratio, (ie the water does gradually reduce), but I just top up occasionally with more 50/50 mix, or even a slightly higher distilled water ratio. Cheers, Neil PS Agree wrt antifreeze and pets - my brother's cat died after drinking from a puddle of antifreeze/water under his car. Nasty stuff.
  14. Nope - nothing came of it. Great shame.
  15. Hi Mauld, Brilliant video, brilliant sound! Was that at Duxford? Cheers, Neil
  16. Nice video - thanks for posting. There was a Brisfit flying at Warbirds over Wanaka last week, along with a Sopwith Triplane, Airco DH5 and from the Germain side a Fokker Triplane, Fokker D7 and Pfalz D3. Great stuff! Good to see these brilliant old aircraft still flying. Cheers, Neil
  17. Hi Andrew, Shell Advance VSX 4 is pretty easy to get from motorbike stores. We have used it for years in our Rotax 912A. It's on the list (2 different viscosities - I am pretty sure we use 15W50). Cheers Neil
  18. Hi Matty, Speaking on Mick's behalf - yes it is! I have flown in a number of times. Let me know when you plan to go there and I will try to get there too for a coffee/chat. Best to choose a day with nil wind or northerlies as there are tall trees at the northern end of the strip which can make landing southwards a bit tricky. Cheers, Neil
  19. Hi Buzzard, I don't fly a trike, but I have found the Mini G iPad Mini Kneeboard from Sky High Gear to be really good in my Gazelle. No frills, just a solid kneeboard with adjustable elastic strap. It was also considerably cheaper than some of the alternatives even after postage was included. Worth a look IMO. Cheers, Neil
  20. Congratulations, mate! My better half and I will be celebrating 30 years next year.....happy wife, happy life..... Cheers, Neil
  21. Hi Beefy, - tell us some more about yourself - what you fly, how long you have been flying etc. Don't be shy! Cheers, Neil
  22. Both videos are stunning! So much we arrogant humans have yet to learn! Cheers Neil
  23. Hi Dan, Congratulations on making the decision to learn to fly! You will not regret it. I also wished I had done it earlier than the age of 54, so you are ahead of me. I would agree with what the others have said, ie a lesson a week if possible, and ask your instructor what the next lesson will be so you can read it up in the books beforehand and have a better idea of what you are doing (and why) when you come to each lesson. Learning is fun, so just take it one step at a time, and don't expect to remember everything first time - you won't! Enjoy your learning, and keep us all posted with your progress. Cheers and good luck, Neil
  24. Hi, Excellent documentary - very interesting and very matter of fact commentary. Thanks for posting! Cheers Neil
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