Hi Kaz,
I believe Mangalore & Locksley Field are 121.1, not 119.1, but I totally agree with your point. I frequently fly that route when going from Penfield to Wangaratta exactly because it has a lot of small airfields in case the fan should stop, or some other reason where I would need to land quickly, but it does not seem to be a logical setup.
I actually switch to 126.7 when past Locksley Field and therefore 5 miles from Longwood, and stay on it for Euroa and Violet Town. Then I switch to Area Frequency until 10 miles from Benalla when I switch to 122.5, but Earlston airfield is shown on the VNC within 10nm of Benalla, but with no CTAF frequency. So this should really be 126.7 too.
So I flip to Area Frequency and listen, but then flip back to 126.7 when close to these small airfields.
CAAP 166-1(2) has the following definition for "In the vicinity"
An aircraft is in the vicinity of a non-controlled aerodrome if it is within:
a) airspace other than controlled airspace;
b) a horizontal distance of 10 NM from the aerodrome (reference point); and
c) a height above the aerodrome (reference point) that could result in conflict with operations at the aerodrome.
The elevation of the land along that stretch is about 600 or 700 ft, so those airfields would have circuit heights (for small piston aircraft) of 1600 or 1700 ft, and the minimum overfly height would normally be about 1000 above that, ie 2600 or 2700. However, I am usually at quadrantal 3500 or 5500 heading East,
so the question remains if I am at 3500 or more whether I am deemed to be at a height "that could result in conflict with operations at the aerodrome" and therefore should just stay on Area Frequency? I know Euroa does parachute drops, so they must operate a lot higher than 2700 ft.......
Perhaps we should be requesting a better definition of a height "that could result in conflict with operations at the aerodrome", and if you are within the cylinder of 10nm radius and this defined height (let's say 1000 ft above circuit height, or 2000ft above the airfield elevation) then broadcast/listen on 126.7, but when you transit out of, or are about to go into, this cylinder a broadcast on Area Frequency with your position and intentions. It is not perfect, but perhaps a little clearer than the current documentation......