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Everything posted by Neil_S

  1. Now that's virgin on the ridiculous.....
  2. Welcome, Bill! You sure did find a good site! Cheers, Neil
  3. Well done, Chris. You can only ever have one first solo! I still remember being surprised at the different flying characteristics without an instructor in the plane - reaching circuit height a lot quicker. I also forgot to lower flaps to 30 on final, and landed with them at 15, which my eagle-eyed instructor spotted from the ground (solution - buy a Gazelle as it has no flaps ) Keep us posted with your progress! Cheers, Neil
  4. Excellent video.....but how did the cameraman who filmed the landing get there?
  5. Yup - we got our last lot from Peter MacLean at Yarrawonga.....
  6. Hi, Best check with Floods for the best method, I would think..... Cheers Neil
  7. Great videos - very enjoyable.... Neil
  8. AVPlan on an iPad Mini on a kneeboard works for me. No problems seeing the display in the Gazelle cockpit....
  9. Hi Roscoe & ! Tell us a bit about yourself, eg where do you fly from? How long have you been flying etc Sorry - can't help wrt the Jabiru as I have no experience of Jabs.... Cheers, Neil
  10. Hi Ralph, Welcome to the site, and Happy New Year to you! Please tell us some more about your flying - eg where you fly from etc, and I would like to see a picture of that ultralight beaver (hhhmmm - it's good this is not a dodgy website, or that might sound rather bad....) Cheers Neil
  11. Hi Bruce, As you imply - dropping weird names like this into the conversation is an opportunity to maintain/reinforce an air of mystique for pilots! All too often in this age of high tech gizmos it is the youngsters who drop weird acronyms into the conversation to confuse us oldies - these names are a rare opportunity for us to get our own back! Cheers Neil
  12. Cool video. Thanks. Interesting to see the wingtip vortices at the end.....
  13. Excellent stuff! Thanks for posting Neil
  14. Are you sure you weren't on one of those "other" sort of web sites ? Cheers Neil
  15. Hi Maj, Just the sort of day recreational flying is all about! I am just a bit green with envy.....Interesting pix too. (....and that V16 is mental!!) Cheers Neil
  16. Excellent video - thanks for posting!
  17. Yes - some really good aerial scenes in that one....
  18. LOL - hope she wasn't a nervous flier....
  19. Excellent article - thanks for posting, rgmwa. Good to see they have young apprentices, not just old farts, working on them to keep the skills going. Cheers Neil
  20. Hi Ian, Glad to hear you have found a job, mate. All the best with it. Cheers, Neil
  21. Hi Mark, Welcome! Hope you don't actually get that much thunder in Thunder Bay as I wouldn't really like to fly in such weather. Keep us informed of your progress. I would love to visit Canada again (have done so a couple of times over the years), lovely country. Cheers Neil
  22. Hi Marc, Well done! I don't think the order is important - I always go back and re-read stuff at least once anyway. There always seems to be material at the end you needed to know at the beginning, so reading twice is good as the stuff at the beginning will now make more sense..... Cheers Neil
  23. I am sure you will be back flying in no time. Let us know how you go! Cheers Neil
  24. Hmmm....never seen a paper map overheat and fail, or run out of power, or crash for no apparent reason......but having worked in IT for nearly 40 years I have seen ALL types of IT equipment fail......I was at a fly-in one time when a pilot told me about how his two identical, supposedly totally independent, glass panels failed at the same time. Perhaps due to the same, identical bug... I would always have a map handy. Cheers Neil
  25. Really cool!
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