Hi guys,
For well-presented, factual, objective discussion on this sort of topic, backed up with data and evidence, I would recommend the Webinars on the EAA web site. If you are not a member of EAA I would highly recommend you join, if only for the excellent monthly magazine.
However, the webinars are available for ages after delivery, and are usually about 45 minutes of slide presentation (most with online surveys answered by the online audience present at the time), and at the end the presenters take a selection of questions from the audience for about another 30 minutes.
The presenters are usually well-respected members of the US aviation community, and include appropriate statistical info and/or scientific formulae in most cases.
I distinctly remember one about EFATO and the argument about a controlled crash in a 30 degree arc ahead being so much more survivable than an attempt to turn back. The figures wrt the impact the seat belts are designed to take, and the "aim the fuselage between any trees so the wings get ripped off" argument also. I find this type of presentation to be a very effective approach to education, rather than a more confrontational one.
My two cents,