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Everything posted by Neil_S

  1. Good luck, guys - sounds like it should be a heap of fun! Cheers Neil
  2. back, Sally. Wow - that's an interesting line-up of planes! All the best with your aero's - sounds like you will stroll it. Keep us informed about how you get on... Cheers Neil
  3. Hi John, I have been a co-owner of a secondhand plane (Gazelle) for a couple of years now, and it has worked fine. We have not yet both wanted to fly somewhere different at the same time! And having all the bills halved is great. We have a joint account where we both place a certain amount per month to cover hangar fees, insurance and 100 hourly. If unexpected bills come up that we cannot cover from the account then we just pay up the extra between us. I also know of 2 other shared planes at our airfield, both syndicates of 3. So it can certainly work as long as you have the right people, and right circumstances (ie all fly about the same number of hours per year) Cheers Neil
  4. Good luck, Maj! You would have my vote if I was up there.... Cheers Neil
  5. Neil_S

    Hi Vev, yes, it was good to meet you at Temora, and see your lovely Ercoupe up close! Must catch up at Tyabb some time. Cheers Neil
  6. Hi, Not sure how legal for training - our Gazelle has a 2 blade Bolly composite prop. Don't know where you would get an original spec wooden one these days. Probably best to contact RAA and see what is the score when the original manufacturer (Skyfox) no longer exists so is not in a position to approve anything different from the original..... Cheers Neil
  7. OK - I will give way to it in the circuit in my Gazelle then....
  8. Well Switzerland has lots of mountains to launch yourself from! The only pain in the *^#@ would be getting to the top in the first place.... Cheers Neil
  9. Neil_S


    Hi Vev, Excellent video/pictures! And it was good to meet you at Natfly just after you parked up your Ercoupe for the judging. Lovely plane. Cheers Neil
  10. Good luck, mate. If you have done your homework (and it sounds like you have) then just keep calm and do what the others have said - answer all the ones you are sure of first, then go back and do the ones you less sure of. Take your time - the time allowed is usually plenty, so no need to rush. At the end of the day it is not the exam itself that is important, it is the fact that you have studied all the material that matters if you are to be a safe pilot. All the best! Let us know how you go. Cheers Neil
  11. Good stuff, Ian! Welcome to Carol and Steve - I am sure their inputs will be very much appreciated by all. Cheers Neil
  12. Hi Jen, Thanks for the invite. Added to the list! Rgds Neil
  13. Hi folks - if you like WW2 aircraft you must check out this link :- It has masses of rare colour pictures of planes, a large number of which I don't even recognize! Enjoy! Neil
  14. Hi Mardy, I agree - it's good to know when you get exceptional service from a supplier. Thanks for posting. Cheers Neil
  15. Hi Mardy, Welcome to the Forums! Glad you don't fly a cow like your dad...safer for those who might be walking underneath All the best Neil
  16. Hi Maj, Great pix! Thanks for posting. Neil
  17. Hi John, to the forums, and your RA training. I am sure you will enjoy both. Cheers Neil
  18. Good onya, Solomon! Keep going with it! Cheers Neil
  19. Hi Don, Great pictures, and liked the comments with them. It was good to meet you too. Look forward to catching up again next year! Cheers Neil
  20. Neil_S

    Brumby at temora

    Hi Howard, I assume you are talking about the photos from the Tyabb Airshow - I believe they were all Stewart Mustangs. Cheers Neil
  21. Hi Alan, I hope your wife makes a speedy recovery. You made the correct decision, of course. All the best Neil
  22. Hi Mike, I am also a Friend of the RAAF Museum at Point Cook (love those grand old aircraft), and visit quite frequently as I live at Hoppers. I fly a Gazelle out of Penfield at Sunbury - happy to have a chat about RAA any time and if you would like to come over to Penfield for a look around I am happy to take you out there. There are a few tail draggers out there (Stearman, Luscombe, Kitfox, Drifters). Start a Conversation with me (click on the Inbox at the top right hand side of the screen and select Neil_S if you haven't done that before) and we can arrange date/time or just have a chat. Cheers Neil
  23. Neil_S

    Brumby at temora

    Hi Stevron - I took a pic of the high wing Brumby - it's somewhere in the middle of my Flickr photos http://www.flickr.com/photos/nsidwell - select Natfly2012 Plus there are pictures at their website, of course :- http://www.brumbyaircraft.com.au/Brumby%20610.htm Cheers Neil
  24. Hi guys, Just posted nearly 100 photos from Natfly onto Flickr :- ....even included a few arty-farty ones of the sunset over the windsock (I must be going soft...). Sadly I still didn't manage to get pix of all the planes that I would have liked , as I kept getting distracted talking to people! So hopefully others will be able to fill in the gaps. Enjoyed Natfly again this year, especially being able to put some more faces to names from this website, such as Winsor68 and Ross (Maj) Millard. Interesting to hear the origin of the "Maj" handle (and relieved it had nothing to do with Madonna ). Enjoyed the presentation by Ross on two-strokes very much. Thanks to all the organizers and people who volunteered their time. Also thanks once again to Mr H. for taking the camping gear for Matt and me up in his car. It meant we could camp in relative comfort (ya can't fit much camping gear into a Gazelle!) Cheers Neil
  25. Hi Ak, Landed on Friday at about 1.30, and taxied into the green "camping under wing" area following the guy on the bike. Shame we didn't catch up - we must do so at Penfield. BTW I know of two other people who flew up from Penfield, and didn't see either of them the whole weekend at Temora, but then saw one of them when we were refuelling at Yarrawonga! Cheers Neil
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