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Everything posted by Neil_S

  1. Hi Ak - well done! I also learnt at Sunbury and did my first solo there - so I know the feeling very well. Mine was on 36, and there was some wind shear on final over the buildings, but I had been warned to expect it. I shall make no comments about the weight of the instructors but it sure did make a difference with only one person on board..... btw - if you really are interested in the Bristell (and who wouldn't be) - the guy who sells them is based at Sunbury so you can take a closer look pretty easily. Anyway - now you can look forward to lots more flying as PIC! Cheers Neil
  2. Yup
  3. Hi Scooby, Great! Lots of awesome stuff. I love old films like these. Thanks for posting. Cheers Neil
  4. Hi Stangman, I am sure you will enjoy this site - it has lots of good info, and discussions in the forums. I am also from the UK, although living in Australia now. Whereabouts are you located? Do you fly yourself? Don't hold back with the details! Cheers Neil
  5. .....and it has been shown time and again that the way to keep Alzheimers at bay is to learn something new, keep your mind active, and meet new people/friends, so look on the purchase/building/flying of a plane as an intangible asset to stave off the onset of old (mental) age - sod the cost! Neil
  6. Looks brilliant - must think of an excuse to be in the UK for that! Cheers Neil
  7. Hi Ayavner, Depending on how many hours you envisaged flying you could consider just buying a share in a plane - it would be lower cost and obviously you could sell that share a while later if you wished to move on.... There are pros and cons - you would need some agreement wrt who flies when, shared cost of maintenance, hangar fees etc but it might enable you to get in the air for less than buying on your own..... Cheers Neil
  8. Hi Ron, Well done! You must have a great sense of satisfaction from such an achievement. Like all the others - I would like to see some pix! You can always upload pix to www.flickr.com - it's free, then just put the link in here. Cheers Neil
  9. Very cool vid!!
  10. Hey Oksinay - Well done! Hope the weather is good enough for you to exercise the Nav skills a bit now. Cheers Neil
  11. Hey Tomo, Being from the UK I thought all Australian videos were upside down Cheers Neil
  12. Hi Camel, If you are on Windows 7 Home Premium then the free Windows Movie Maker software on it will do a reasonable job. Don't expect miracles (it IS Microsoft after all), but it will allow a basic video to be produced quickly and cheaply.... There are lots of "How to" type articles on the web on how to use Movie Maker too, which may help. I would recommend 3 or 4GB of RAM too, otherwise it might be sloooooowwww. Cheers Neil
  13. Chrome works fine too (Win 7). Good Webinar. Cheers Neil
  14. Hi Maj, My co-owner Matt and I hope to be going in the Gazelle, and like you, have little room for camping gear etc, so Mr H has kindly agreed to take some gear for us as he did last year. I am pretty sure I have a container of Castrol Anti-freeze/Anti-boil coolant (full) in the hangar (will double check tomorrow), so can add to the load that Howard is taking for us if he is OK with that (glad he has a big car!) Cheers Neil
  15. Penfield has all circuits to the west, so it's LH for 36 and 33, and RH for 18 and 15 in order to avoid traffic at Riddells Creek, which is very close (2nm) to the north east, and where they have all circuits to the east for 02-20 so we avoid each other. People should always read the ERSA and preferably give a phone call to the airfield if they have not been there before to get a briefing. As others have said, it's not just good airmanship - the procedures are there to save your life. Cheers Neil
  16. Hi AK, I also learnt at Penfield in the Texan, but got my Low Performance endo and now have half shares in a Gazelle, hangared at Penfield. Happy to take you up for a flight in the Gazelle if that is also something you may consider, but it's probably a bit early to be deciding on planes yet, although window shopping is a lot of fun! Who are you learning with? Terry or Rod? Hope to catch up, Cheers Neil
  17. Hi Steve, Good stuff! ...And I bet you wish you'd done it years ago, don't you? Cheers Neil
  18. Hi, Glad to see you are back on the site (and don't nick off again ) Cheers Neil
  19. Hi James, Welcome to the site! Nice plane the Skyfox..... Cheers Neil
  20. Get a Gazelle, mate.
  21. Hi AV8TOR, I also learnt to fly at Penfield with Terry in the Texan(s), and now hangar my plane there. Remember that a lesson includes pre-flight & post-flight briefing sessions, so the actual flying can be 45 mins or so depending how long the other parts take. Happy to give you any more info. PM me if you like. Cheers Neil
  22. Cool Vid! Thanks for posting Cheers Neil
  23. Hi guys, Some pictures from the Tyabb Airshow on Sunday :- Maybe someone else can fill in the gaps with the planes I did not get pictures of.... Cheers Neil
  24. Hi guys, That crosswind was pretty nasty, wasn't it? Never seen so many go-arounds. I took a few pix, and will put them up onto flickr in the next few days. PS - never realized there were so many Ercoupes about down there..... Cheers Neil
  25. Hi Sparrowhawk2, I don't fly either of those, but I am sure you will enjoy the trike flying - so go for it!! Cheers Neil
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