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Everything posted by Neil_S

  1. Neil_S


    Hi Renbo, Sounds brilliant - good luck with it! There is a guy in Melbourne building a Sopwith Snipe replica - you may find some tips from him. His blog is here :- http://www.theaerodrome.com/forum/replica-aircraft/36007-sopwith-snipe-project.html All the best - upload some pix at various stages so we can see! Cheers Neil
  2. Great video, Tomo - thanks for posting Neil
  3. Congrats on passing the exams. I also remember lots of waiting for half decent weather for my Navs - just hang in there! It's worth it in the end! Cheers Neil
  4. Got a late pass and went flying after work on Valentine's Day - lovely calm weather (for a change), landed not long before last light, then still arrived back home in time for drinkies and dinner with my other half! Now that's what I call a good Valentine's Day ! Cheers Neil
  5. Hey Dave, Very nice looking aircraft! Well done. I also look forward to checking it out at close quarters at Natfly... Cheers Neil
  6. Hi Adam & If you like camping then it sounds like you will really like going to those "camping under wing" Fly-Ins at some stage in the future..... Cheers Neil
  7. Hi Carl, Well done, mate! Good to have you back on board. And I agree with Kyliefil - you NEVER stop learning! That's what makes it fun and rewarding. Happy Landings! Neil
  8. Hi OME, Verrrry nice. However, if you want to combine the two then this month's EAA Sport Aviation mag has an article on the AeroMax (p. 110) , which they call the Flying Motorcycle. Now that's cool (probably literally - I wouldn't want to be wearing shorts when flying! ) Check out this Youtube clip :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqXb74T02uo Cheers Neil
  9. Hi All, Learnt sideslipping in the Texan as part of the normal syllabus, and then since we bought the Gazelle I use it quite often as a valuable manoeuvre to lose height on final if necessary (or when practising forced landings). Also, the more confident you are with the technique the better your ability to forward slip when doing crosswind landings IMO. Talking of which I like to practise the following, and would recommend it to people for practising crosswind landings without actually doing the landing. On a day with a reasonable wind find a straight road which is as close to 90 degrees from the wind as possible, then start at one end of the road and try to fly along the road with your nose aligned to the road. To do this you need to take out the crab with rudder then lean the plane into wind with aileron, just as you would when doing a crosswind landing. When you get to the end of the road, turn around and do the same in the opposite direction. Repeat until bored . Obviously you would not want to get below 500 feet AGL - I am around 1000 feet when I do it. Cheers Neil
  10. For me it's getting decent weather to coincide with time when not working.... Cheers Neil
  11. Hi John, I have some friends live at Plockton - do you fly near there at all? Cheers Neil
  12. Hi Motz, just wanted to echo all the comments made here. I don't know you personally or the exact circumstances, but your posts on this site have given me a good impression of the sort of person you are, and I am absolutely sure you did all you possibly could, and you should be commended for your bravery. I am also sure the families of the unfortunate casualties believe you did all you possibly could too. When your time is up, it's up. As for the crass, unfeeling piece of scum who made that comment about "offenders" he will get his just desserts one way or another. I think he has done more to harm his "cause" than anything else. Time will dim the pain, and I hope all of you who were there will soon be able to get on with enjoying life and aviation again. Best Regards Neil
  13. Hello Jack, Welcome to the site, and glad to hear you are enjoying your training. Keep us informed about your progress! Cheers Neil
  14. Amazing photos!
  15. Great video, Winsor! Keep 'em coming!
  16. Good video - enjoyed it. Forget the music - watch the planes
  17. Hi Robyn, Well done! - just the start! Cheers Neil
  18. Absolutely excellent! What it's all about.... Thanks for posting Neil
  19. Yup - absolutely loved the Biggles books.........Tally ho Algy, Ginger & Bertie! Watch out for that fiend Von Stalhein! Chocks away, Neil
  20. Hi Doug, Really interesting story - thanks for finding and posting it. Cheers Neil
  21. Hope so, wx permitting, of course....
  22. ....so do you also get annoyed at the signs at supermarket checkouts saying "9 items or less" instead of "9 items or fewer" ? Pedants rule OK
  23. Congratulations, Jake!
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