Hi All,
Learnt sideslipping in the Texan as part of the normal syllabus, and then since we bought the Gazelle I use it quite often as a valuable manoeuvre to lose height on final if necessary (or when practising forced landings). Also, the more confident you are with the technique the better your ability to forward slip when doing crosswind landings IMO.
Talking of which I like to practise the following, and would recommend it to people for practising crosswind landings without actually doing the landing.
On a day with a reasonable wind find a straight road which is as close to 90 degrees from the wind as possible, then start at one end of the road and try to fly along the road with your nose aligned to the road. To do this you need to take out the crab with rudder then lean the plane into wind with aileron, just as you would when doing a crosswind landing. When you get to the end of the road, turn around and do the same in the opposite direction. Repeat until bored . Obviously you would not want to get below 500 feet AGL - I am around 1000 feet when I do it.