Hi Rob and .
Congrats on getting your Certificate. Tell us a bit about yourself - what you fly, what sort of flying you intend doing, will you be buying a plane, etc
Hi Kaz,
I had not seen that story about the colliding Ansons before - absolutely amazing! And ironic that they survived something freaky like that and then died in stupidly mundane circumstances later...
My favourite bit "As far as Fuller was concerned, the touchdown was better than any he had made when practising 'circuits and bumps' at Forest Hill airfield the previous day". LOL
Well, Alan, just how low do you fly that cow in your avatar? I'm sure most members of the public would not want a pat on the head - not only is it condescending, but also very messy to clean up.......
...and in the UK, where you might expect a white Christmas, they had temperatures (in the south-east anyway) of about 14 degrees C and one of the warmest Christmases on record. But then at the same time last year they were knee deep in snow...
Gotta love the weather.
Hi Gary,
I was at East Anglia University in the early 1970s, and was at the Halls of Residence at Fifer's Lane just by the airfield! Wow - takes me back! I remember many times going into Norwich for a few bevvies....(don't remember getting back ....)
Moved out to Aus about 14 years ago now and learnt to fly here.
Good to hear you are flying there in sunny Blighty!
Hi TP,
Hmmm, I would say just the opposite! Firstly and most important, he is still alive! Secondly, if he was being a naughty boy, then he will learn a very important lesson. I would say he was very fortunate...
Hi Pete, Just click on the image itself, rather than the text "View attachment 16158 " and it works OK (for me anyway).
The plane looks great, Andrew! So when are you dropping in to Penfield so I can get a close-up look?
Hi Scott,
Congratulations, mate!! Excellent stuff. Gave Saturday afternoon a miss myself due to the hot weather (not much cool air round our way on Saturday!)
Expect to see you at Sunbury soon then by the sounds of it
Hi Dane,
to the site. I don't know about Airborne aircraft myself - but the Classifieds here will probably have some. Also the Members' Market section of the Sport Pilot mag has a load of ads you can search....
Hi FT - that looks good. A bit like mudguards on a pushbike - stops the worst of the mud but still allows decent inspection of tyres and brakes. Also good for a bit of drag reduction (maybe).
A mate of mine who owns a Jab 160 reckoned his spats collected a few kilos of mud, so he took them off....
LOL - excellent stuff, ladies! I did expect to see a handbag hanging from the throttle though.....
Let's see some more videos - you obviously have a not-so-hidden thespian talent