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Everything posted by Neil_S

  1. Neil_S


    Hi Pali & As Tomo says, RAA is cheaper, so may be the best place to start even if you move to GA later. Tell us a bit more about yourself and your flying, where you are located etc! Cheers Neil
  2. Hi Andrew, Yep - I'd like to see a few pix or video of it.....In fact why not fly it down to Penfield (Sunbury) and I can come out and ogle it.... Cheers Neil
  3. Hi Alan, Don't become a lurker, mate! We all value your contributions. I have also sometimes had a post somewhat mis-interpreted IMO and didn't really understand how/why, but I don't really give a ^&$% and I carry on posting anyway....thick skin, or maybe just thick head I also agree with Robinsm - you put a value on the membership relative to what you consider you get out of it, rather than the dollar figure. If you think the annual fee is good value (which I do) compared to other stuff you could spend the same dollars on then it is worth it. I am "cashed up" in the sense my mortgage is now paid off, but I am still working for the moment, so currently money is going into my super, but allowing some to be spent doing stuff I enjoy while still physically able to do - ie flying. While still paying the mortgage flying would have been a lot more difficult to afford/justify, but ultimately we are all privileged to be able to fly aeroplanes, and I also recognize that there are countless others who will never be in a position to do so. I am sure there are others here who also try to help those who are less fortunate - I sponsor a child through World Vision, and when I get the letters from my sponsored child saying how much they appreciate it I consider that an excellent investment.....I would strongly encourage others to sponsor a child too. Cheers Neil
  4. Hi Daysey, You might want to contact PSB Insurance Brokers PTY LTD - they cover our plane, so more likely to know how to get personal cover for pilots IMO. Telephone: (03) 8841 3300 Cheers Neil
  5. Still damaged......
  6. Hi Heather, The CFI at my club suggested you consider replacing the original undercarriage with the one used in the Eurofox - more modern, less drag etc. Maybe worth thinking about anyway.... Cheers Neil
  7. Hi Roger &
  8. Hi Rdarby, The one I have from BOM is titled "Manual of Aviation Meteorology" ISBN 978-0-9578991-7-9. Cost about $60 if I remember. Covers the whole meteorology topic including clouds if you want to go a bit further into the weather area.... Cheers Neil
  9. Well done, mate!
  10. Hi Heather, Welcome to the site. I take it from your recent other post that you fly a Gazelle? Great stuff - let's see some pix and hear about your flying background, where you fly from, etc. Don't be shy! Cheers Neil
  11. Hi Heather, Yup - no bungees on a Gazelle - they are vulcanized blocks like the man said. We recently replaced ours with newer undercarriage struts from another Gazelle that was being rebuilt (with different undercarriage as a taildragger) and they were spare. Perhaps you may be lucky and do the same if you advertise.... Cheers Neil
  12. Hi Paul, You might try sending a message to a guy on this site called Foxworker (real name also Paul), or even call him on 0402 871771. He is very knowledgeable on Skyfox wings. Cheers Neil
  13. Hi Robyn, I waited about 35 years before learning to fly! Far too long! You will get the hang of it all in time - just keep going. After all, if you are going to do kangaroo hops then Australia is the place to do them.... Keep us posted with your progress. Cheers Neil
  14. That helicopter vid is just insane!
  15. Hi Ozzie, Excellent pix! Thanks for sharing. Cheers Neil
  16. Hi Bacon, - hope the training is going well. Keep us posted on your progress.... Cheers Neil
  17. Hi David, Very interesting - thanks for supplying that info. Gives us all something to think about, and when illustrated in that manner it is very sobering just how little time there is to react. Cheers Neil
  18. Wow - that was interesting flying! Don't think I will be landing the Gazelle like that though Cheers Neil
  19. Mine has a throttle lock that prevents the throttle being pushed in, but I would think it possible to start the engine with the throttle in its locked position. The throttle lock is there to prevent the plane from taking off (eg stolen by terrorists to fly into a building etc), but it wouldn't stop anyone playing silly b*gg*rs. Perhaps we should get them to pay for the fuel, then stand close in front of the plane while we start it.. Cheers Neil
  20. ...and we have "bone" and "debone", which mean the same, "ravel" and unravel" which mean the same, "flammable" and "inflammable" which mean the same. No wonder people who don't have English as their first language get confused..... Also I like these :- through trough thorough thought tough throughout Cheers Neil
  21. Hmmmm - tautology - we could circle round that one for ages...
  22. Hi Malcolm, Congratulations, mate! Well deserved. BTW - when back in Vic prepare to wear your wellies when pulling your Allegro out of the hangar - it's been pouring here in Vic and there was a lake in front of our hangar last time I was there. Had to get Vince to help me put the Gazelle back as the wheels got bogged. He says he will fix it in the near future though. Sorry to hear about the job - hope you get another one soon. Cheers Neil
  23. Procrastinate NOW!
  24. ...and too many people rely on a spell checker when they really need a grammar checker. Just because "effect" is spelt correctly doesn't mean it is correct - a lot of times I see it used when they should use "affect". "Principle" when it should be "principal", "compliment" when it should be "complement"....etc etc. It's such fun being a pedant .
  25. LOL - brilliant!
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