Hi CK,
I agree with Pud - the best way to approach the lesson is to turn up in the best condition possible - having checked the IMSAFE list.
If you have not come across this it is :-
I - Illness -> do not attempt to fly if you have even a minor illness, a fuzzy head or aching stomach will not allow proper concentration
M - Medication -> some of these will affect your judgement, coordination, memory etc
S - Stress -> difficulties at work/home can distract you. Sometimes hard to leave them on the ground
A - Alcohol -> fairly obvious one. Hungover is not good
F- Fatigue -> make sure you have had a good night's sleep
E - Eating -> don't skip breakfast. You need the energy and low blood sugar is not good.
I would also check with the instructor what you will be doing at the next lesson, so you can prepare by reading up the theory beforehand. I always found this useful as trying to absorb an hour's worth of new stuff is difficult. If you have read up on it beforehand you are familiar with at least some of it.
You also mention taking notes - another good idea. You inevitably forget some things, so writing them down and going over it afterwards also helps cement it in the brain, as well as giving you material to revise before any subsequent test. I still go over my notes from time to time when I have a brain freeze and can't remember, for example, exactly what Adiabatic Lapse Rate was .....
Anyway, hope this helps....good luck with your training, and keep posting here on your progress