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Everything posted by Neil_S

  1. Excellent stuff!!
  2. Yep - extra useful info eg dew point & humidity, and gusts
  3. Hi Solomon, Just wanted to add my along with everyone else's. Best of luck with both the plane and the lessons. Keep us all posted with how you get on. And good onya to Motz, Liz and Howard - you are very generous and exemplify one of the reasons we all joined RA-Aus - for the mateship as well as the flying! Cheers Neil
  4. Hi Grant, Couldn't agree more! Great plan!! And to you. Cheers Neil
  5. If we are going to get pedantic then if we refer to Roget's Thesaurus and look up "sport" and "recreation" they both point to "Amusement", and all the definitions associated with that. IMO the words are frequently used interchangeably, so debating the "correct" name of the magazine based on the meaning of the words does not really serve a useful purpose. I think the design of the new cover is more eye-catching than the old one, which is the first contact with the mag that would make me look at it in a newsagent. Once the mag is picked up and browsed it is the content that will keep attention, or not. Within the first few pages, opposite the Contents page, there is a load of info about RA-Aus. This and the Contents will allow most people to decide if they are interested or not. Let's give the new guys a chance on the content of the next few editions - it has been pretty good so far IMO...... My 2 cents Neil
  6. Virago! Keep us posted on your progress with building your Sierra, anddon't be shy about telling us all a bit more about yourself! Cheers Neil
  7. Well done, Tomo! Keep us posted how you go from here.... Cheers Neil
  8. Neil_S


    Hi Scott, Welcome, and good luck with the training. I also fly a Gazelle, and have flown over to Ballarat a few times from Penfield (Sunbury). I saw the Gazelle in the hangar there. Hope you will come over to Penfield in the Karatoo when you have finished building it and got your Nav endorsement :big_grin: Cheers Neil
  9. Hi Ballpoint, Really sorry to hear about the break-in, and your job. There are some real scum around sadly, but if they are too stupid to realize the ELB is useless to anyone but the registered owner then, like has been said, I hope they are stupid enough to activate it! Hope the items get returned. Cheers Neil
  10. Been in IT for decades, first as a programmer on mainframes, then database technical manager for a UK airline, but more recently as a specialist database support engineer.
  11. Duly signed. Good luck, mate!! I wonder how many of the complainants bought a house in the area AFTER the airfield was already in operation. I would wager a good proportion! Cheers Neil
  12. Hi Skypup, What an amazing little plane! Looks heaps of fun. I fly out of Penfield, so am looking forward to seeing you and the pup flying there one day. Keep us posted on your progress. Cheers Neil
  13. Well done, Jerra, nothing like the first flight as PIC! Happy Landings Neil
  14. Thanks guys, especially Vev, appreciate your inputs. I was basically going to keep the fuel for up to a couple of months, then put it into my car if not used, so you have pretty much confirmed that would be a reasonable approach. I use the 10 & 20 litre containers sold at Auto stores specifically for petrol storage (Australian Standard nnnnn), so I assume they are okay. Cheers! :big_grin: Neil
  15. Hi guys, I think this may have been touched on before in some other threads, but I have a specific question that perhaps someone can answer. At what rate does unleaded petrol's octane rating degrade? Is it just based on time, or do other factors come into play (eg temperature)? I usually buy 98 octane PULP for our plane, but sometimes it sits in my garage for weeks before I refuel with it. Basically I would just like to have a comfort factor wrt how long I could theoretically store it before it became unsuitable for use in our Rotax 912. Thanks in advance, Neil
  16. Hi Jay, Welcome to the site! How about telling us a bit about yourself - where do you fly from, how long have you been flying etc etc. I see you fly a Petrel Amphibian - looks like an interesting aircraft - what area of water do you fly that from? Hope to hear some more details from you! Cheers Neil
  17. Hi Sloper, I use multifocals (ie graduated) all the time - driving, flying, working on the PC - just need to tell the optician what you need and they sort out the appropriate details for close work, distance work etc. Cheers Neil
  18. Hi Tomo, Great pix! Some interesting planes there. Cheers Neil
  19. Hey Kaz, I also planned to go to Kyneton for the Biggest Morning Tea, but flying from Penfield. Looking at the forecast a NW of up to 40 knots coming over Mt Macedon simply meant "Don't Go". Milder north-westerlies still mean turbulence when taking off or landing on RW 36, as I had found out previously, so with that strength and a forecast of medium to severe turbulence made it an easy, albeit unwelcome, decision. So I went to the web site and donated what I would have spent on fuel via credit card instead. Cheers Neil
  20. Hi Bubbleboy, Being from the UK it makes perfect sense to me! Cheers Neil
  21. Hi Rod, Congratulations! Hope you plan to come over to Penfield in it so we can have a look! Cheers Neil
  22. Hi Damono, I have flown there a few times from Penfield and have always had a friendly reception and chat to whoever was hanging around! Also some interesting planes in the hangars. Runways are grass. Why don't you give them a call? The number in ERSA is 0429 354717 (owner Garry Baum), or Country Airstrip Guide has CFI Bruce Vickers on 0400 849031 - I'm sure they would like to hear from you.... Cheers Neil
  23. Hi Ben, Thanks - the videos are great. I missed the Southern Knights (had to drive to Echuca as wx was crap here in Melbourne) so it was great to see the video of their display, as well as the others. Cheers Neil
  24. Congratulations! Well done Winsor68 Neil
  25. Well done! :clap2: You will enjoy exploring the 25nm, but want to get further, so good luck on getting your XC endorsement!
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