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Everything posted by Neil_S

  1. And if you use AVPlan (and probably OzRunways) the screen will show both local time and UTC. It's really not that hard. Cheers, Neil
  2. Love them! Thanks for posting. Cheers, Neil
  3. Hi IBob, I find the same on my Savvy here in Melbourne. The Rotax manual does indeed say you should get the oil temp up to 100 at least once a day to evaporate any condensation. I have blanked off part of the oil radiator in order to get the temps up to 100, and even then I only really get that on a sustained climb. I even found that in summer (although we didn't get any really high temperatures during summer here this year, and I don't fly if it's really hot anyway) It soon returns to 90 in cruise and sits there. Cheers, Neil
  4. Hi Keith, I recently transferred my Savannah (not a horror aircraft, just an over-regulated LSA!) from 24 to E24. Here's what is involved :- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thanks for considering for the ELSA CofA re-issue. Here is a list of points that are required 1. Place the letter “E” in front of the 23 or 24 on both sides of the fuselage registration. 2. Add an “Experimental” placard in clear view - image attached for reference size should be about 50mm high and 300mm long or there abouts. 3. Complete the attached application-CASA form 682 4. Install the updated ELSA warning placard- Sample attached. ’WARNING PERSONS FLY IN THIS AIRCRAFT AT THEIR OWN RISK THIS AIRCRAFT IS NOT OPERATED TO THE SAME SAFETY STANDARDS AS A NORMAL COMMERCIAL PASSENGER FLIGHT CASA DOES NOT SET AIRWORTHINESS STANDARDS FOR EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT’ 5. Provide a copy of the last logbook entry with a TTIS and engine and propeller serial numbers 6. Provide images of the placards and registration and an image of the entire aircraft for the CoA. The cost of the ELSA CofA with the approval for flight over built areas is $770 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You will need to send the details to Darren Barnfield who is the CASA-authorised person. His email is :- [email protected] You can Google "CASA form 682" to get the form. You will also need to submit your current C of A, which you can get from the RAAus website. Good luck! Cheers, Neil
  5. Hi GWH, There's been one at Lethbridge for years. I don't have the contact details but if you call the number listed in the ERSA for Lethbridge I am sure they can put you in touch. Cheers, Neil
  6. Hi folks, A couple of points. Firstly if you just need ADSB-IN you don't need to spend over $1K buying a Skyecho and turning ADSB-OUT off - you can buy a PingUSB device from UAvionix for $395 (under $200 with rebate if you're quick, but still cheaper than Skyecho even with rebate). It displays traffic on your EFB same as Skyecho. You just need a power source for its USB connector from a 12V socket or portable USB battery bank. Secondly I fly near Melbourne airport and frequently see the commercial stuff on my EFB several thousand feet above me. On looking up I then usually spot them (unless they're above the cloud of course). These are more than 10nm away - not sure how much further away they actually appear as I usually have my chart showing just over 10nm. Cheers, Neil
  7. Wow! I use a POSCA red fluorescent marker from Officeworks on my Savvy. I haven't noticed any critters nibbling at it so far, so assume it tastes vile to most! Cheers, Neil
  8. ....shouldn't that be SWMBO? (speaking as a Rumpole fan....) Cheers, Neil
  9. Thanks for posting - I enjoyed watching it. Cheers, Neil
  10. And the hemispherical rules promote the risk of being on a non head on collision course if above 3000ft AMSL........
  11. Still happens.....
  12. Hi Summer, Nothing really to add to what has already been said. I learnt in an LSA and was certainly surprised by the difference the lack of weight of my instructor made and went a bit above circuit height. He also warned me about sink on final as our airfield is in the lee of a mountain and the wind was coming from that direction and sometimes caused sink, but when it happened I was still a little surprised by it. However, I did as taught and added a bit of power which cured the problem. The main thing is to enjoy it - you only do a first solo once!! Good luck, Neil
  13. Hi Danny, Not sure if you wanted ipad info too. I have ipad mini 5, AVPlan and Skyecho2. No problems with setup or use. Cheers, Neil
  14. Hi KA, Sounds weird. I have no problem with my Skyecho and Avplan on my iPad Mini. Suggest you call the AVPlan Support people - I have always found them very helpful. Cheers, Neil
  15. Hi Nev, Wow - I never knew that. It must have been a long time ago as I've been there for about 14 years. As you rightly say - good thing they don't any more!! Cheers, Neil
  16. I recently went to a CASA Safety seminar at Point Cook. We were told we would need photo ID at the main gate to get in as it is a military base. However, an ASIC was not acceptable, but a driver's license was. Sums it up, really. Cheers, Neil
  17. Hi Nev, Not sure where you got the idea that Penfield requires an ASIC - it doesn't, as ERSA will confirm. Cheers, Neil
  18. I have been using one of these for several years with no problem - just fill from a 10 litre container using a Mr Funnel to eliminate any water or contaminants....then put into the filler neck on the plane. No issue with overflow as it automatically stops when the fuel level reaches the nozzle. I think they are $69. Cheers, Neil
  19. Congratulations! You will enjoy flying her. I've had mine for over 7 years and really enjoy flying her around the place. Cheers, Neil
  20. Example : I am flying a course of 045 degrees, at 3500 ft, someone else is flying a course of 135 degrees also at 3500 ft. Both of us are complying with the hemispherical rule, but we are potentially heading towards each other on a collision course. I would recommend you review the extensive work done by Robert Patlovany by googling "Robert Patlovany collision", and also the work done by Russell A. Paielli. The 1928 Australian invention, the Altimeter-Compass Cruising Altitude Rule (ACCAR), would be much safer. Paielli's model, made in 2000, corroborated an earlier 1997 model by Patlovany showing that zero altitude error by pilots obeying the hemispherical cruising altitude rules resulted in six times more mid-air collisions than random cruising altitude. Similarly, Patlovany's computer model test of the Altimeter-Compass Cruising Altitude Rule (ACCAR) with zero piloting altitude error (a linear cruising altitude rule similar to the one recommended by Paielli), resulted in about 60% of the mid-air collisions counted from random altitude non compliance, or 10 times fewer collisions than the internationally accepted hemispherical cruising altitude rules. In other words, Patlovany's ACCAR alternative and Paielli's linear cruising altitude rule would reduce cruising midair collisions between 10 and 33 times, compared to the currently recognized, and internationally required, hemispherical cruising altitude rules, which institutionalize the navigation paradox on a worldwide basis. The ACCAR alternative to the hemispherical cruising altitude rules, if adopted in 1997, could have eliminated the navigation paradox at all altitudes, and could have saved 342 lives in over 30 midair collisions (up to November 2006) since Patlovany's risk analysis proves that the current regulations increase the risk of a midair collision in direct proportion to pilot compliance.
  21. Yup - which is why flying the hemisphericals makes things more dangerous.....
  22. Me too.....
  23. Hi folks, I received an email yesterday saying "A remittance advice from the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science is attached", and then today I actually received the grant payment in my bank account. So it took just over 6 weeks from application submission to receiving my payment. Cheers, Neil
  24. Hi Ross, I don't have that issue with AVPlan on my iPad mini. Suggest you call AVPlan Support - I have always found them very helpful, or Samsung as it sounds like a device issue, rather than an app issue. Cheers, Neil
  25. ......still waiting for my payment........(no 24).........
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