Hi folks,
OK - my 2 cents-worth. This was the first Natfly that my Gazelle co-owner, Matt, and I had attended, so we were not able to compare with previous years.
We flew in on the Thursday afternoon and left on Sunday morning.
* First off the arrival arrangements with a separate Ground Control frequency, and colour-coded Follow Me vehicles, worked very well - we were guided straight to a camping location and got set up very quickly.
* We found the registration location without much problem and picked up the agendas for the presentations. The big labels to hang on your propellor with your name and departure location was a good idea, and I would perhaps suggest some sort of reasonably-sized label for people to wear showing their name and Rec Flying handle may be an idea for future events, as there were a number of people that I would have liked to meet up with but failed to do so, although I met up with their planes! Maybe also a second Rec Flying meet-up session on the Saturday as has been suggested. Putting faces to names is always good.
* The food court was pretty good, and adequate for the numbers there, but I could see it may have been struggling with more people.
* The exhibitions were interesting but as someone else pointed out - the Carbon Cub at $225,000 is not really my idea of "affordable Recreational Flying"! Some more exhibits of kits, or under $100,000 pre-builts, would certainly have got my interest. I also visited the museum, and a flight by any of the museum aircraft would certainly have been a bonus for me.
* The presentations that I attended were all interesting, from the "how to update your Garmin software" through to "hands-on fabric covering". Well done, and thanks to all the presenters.
* The community bus service into town worked OK for us, with entertaining and friendly bus drivers, and on the Thursday evening when we managed to miss the return bus we were able to get one of the two local taxis back to the airfield.
* On the Sunday morning when ready to depart we were able to grab a ground marshall pretty quickly and got lined up and ready to go without any fuss.
So for us it was a very enjoyable event, we met up with some friendly fellow aviators and local people, and had a great time. A big thank you to all the organizers for your efforts - they are very much appreciated by the likes of us, and any comments should be seen as suggested improvements, not criticisms. Looking forward to next year....