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Everything posted by Neil_S

  1. Nope.
  2. Good choice!!
  3. Hi Guy, Sorry to hear the trip's been postponed (not cancelled, I hope!). It would obviously not have been possible this month with the lockdown. Along with others I am not able to fly to Lethbridge (outside the lockdown area) from Penfield (inside the lockdown area). I look forward to meeting you when you reschedule the trip in the not-too-distant future!! Cheers, Neil
  4. Hi Chris, Good move! Tell us something about yourself........do you fly or hoping to do so? Where? What? etc etc Cheers, Neil
  5. Hi, Go to :- www.dhhs.vic.gov.au ..and search for Restrictions for those in Melbourne/Mitchell Shire. You will eventually get to a page detailing the rules for golf, surfing, fishing and boating. No explicit mention of planes, of course. However, it says you can do those activities provided you keep socially-distanced (eg 2 people playing golf must remain 1.5m apart and others should be about 100m away) and they must be done within the lockdown area. It says not to travel a long distance if they can be done close to where you live, but if your boat is moored 50kms away at the coast then obviously you will need to travel there to sail it. By implication the same must apply to your airplane - so you can travel to where the plane is hangared provided it is within the lockdown zone. No landing outside the lockdown area, of course. I think they realized from the last time that as these sorts of activities are outside, and easily done solo, or many metres apart from others, the risk is tiny, and the benefit is huge for mental health. I have this page bookmarked on my phone, so if an over-zealous cop questions it I can show them. HTH, Neil
  6. Hi Jerry, Love your response........ :) As for hi-viz in Australia - some airports do, some don't. Best to have one with you. My airfield does, and if the airport manager sees you without one (how does he do that??) you owe him a bottle of red. (There are some very cheap bottles of red in Australia....) Cheers, Neil
  7. I don't think Telstra do that plan any more.....I found it only on a comparison with a current plan. Implies to me that it's an old one.
  8. Hi Guy, Looking good! Don't forget to let me know when you plan to be at Lethbridge - looking forward to a Savvy muster! Cheers, Neil
  9. I remember Bristol Freighters flying out of Southend Airport in Essex when I was a kid growing up in the UK. I also remember flying to Ostend (I think) for a day trip on one with my family. Cheers, Neil
  10. Hi Wirraway, From a friend who works at AAK :- "The Wasp is a mid wing, nose wheel 2 seat training aircraft that Ole developed years ago, but there wasn’t a market for it as that market segment is quite saturated. He only produced two flyers and two additional kits and the Wasp went out of production about a decade ago. There are still plans and some of the templates, but I doubt any further kits could be made. Should someone be looking at a second hand Wasp or kit he should give Ole a call, there is a partially finished kit out there which had non-approved mods and should be avoided." So I suggest you visit the AAK website and, using the Contact page, either call or email Ole for further info. HTH Cheers, Neil
  11. Not even where you have been - just the fact your phone has come within 1.5 metres of another phone for 15 mins. No location data is stored. Info greater than 21 days old deleted as no longer relevant. App can be deleted after this is over, or at any other time.
  12. Yup - I remember my brother and I watching Whirlybirds in the UK when we were kids. Great stuff! Cheers, Neil
  13. Hi OK, I've been using AVPlan on an iPad mini for several years (on a kneepad, obviously in portrait mode) and found it to be fine. I always have maps with me too. Cheers, Neil
  14. Totally agree! It also now houses an original 1913 BE2A/B propeller which my grandmother bought in the 1930s, and which my brother and I donated after our mother passed away a few years ago. As a result we managed to negotiate our way into the following weekend's flying display for nothing as well! Luckily the weather was good and we saw the Edwardian planes flying as well the more recent ones. Brilliant and unforgettable. Cheers, Neil
  15. Have just done exactly that. Mine came up for renewal mid-April, so it seemed like a sensible thing to do...... Cheers, Neil
  16. Good on you! Go for it!! Cheers, Neil
  17. Hi Guy, I landed at Peterborough a few months ago. It's 800m limestone strip - fine for a Savvy! N.B. it is managed by 12 Apostles Helicopters (as they use it as an emergency alternate), not the owner (who is a LAME). The landing fee was $15 from memory - done in advance by credit card as prior permission is required. Be aware of the 12 Apostles helicopters operating frequent sight seeing tours along the coast from a location just to the east, and it is in a Fly Neighbourly zone. Cheers, Neil
  18. Hi Grant, Landings is one of those things that takes a while. Something I found helped when I was learning (and now!) is just after you flare to look at the far end of the runway - it gives you a much better perspective than looking close ahead - and try NOT to land i.e. try and keep the plane just a few inches above the runway. She will settle down when ready. HTH Cheers, Neil
  19. Here are a few that I took. A great event, especially considering the shortened timeframe they had after the council's intervention. A bit of a crosswind that kept some of the oldies on the ground (although not the UFO!), but clear skies for most of the day. Looking forward to 2022's show! Cheers, Neil
  20. Hi Guy, Looks like a great trip! I would simply add to what some others have said - plan for low cloud especially along the coast. I had 3 attempts to fly to the 12 Apostles from Penfield (Sunbury) when my brother was visiting a few years ago, all thwarted by low cloud along the coast. Let me know when you plan to be at Lethbridge and I will try to get there in my Savvy to say "Hi". Cheers, Neil
  21. It was in the Tyabb Flyer Newsletter, of which I am also a recipient. The important thing is to click the link above to sign the petition. Cheers, Neil
  22. Congratulations, Adam! Your first solo is something you will never forget. Good luck with the rest of your flying, whatever you end up doing. Cheers, Neil
  23. Hi Stevron, I went to a fly-in at Porepunkah a few years ago and the local people/pilots I met there were great - so I am hoping this guy was a one-off. I wouldn't let one sad bugger put you off. Good luck with organizing your fly away - I do the same thing for a bunch of pilots at Penfield.... Cheers, Neil
  24. Hi guys, Try the free 30 day trial of AVPlan. It sounds like it has the features you are talking about wrt waypoints (I have made my own within it). I also only use the features that I find useful (eg not the IFR stuff). I find the Head-Up display with stuff like height AGL, altitude, groundspeed, track, and surface wind speed/direction from the nearest airport (if available) useful too. It has ERSA info and weather radar overlay etc. Give it a whirl. Cheers, Neil
  25. Hi Eightyknots, FYI - when I picked up my Savvy S we flew it from Archerfield in QLD to Penfield in VIC, stopping overnight in Narromine. That's a trip of roughly 750+ nm. That's the longest trip I have done, but have flown plenty of 3-4 hour trips round VIC or to NSW since. I have found it very comfortable over such distances. Lumpy, turbulent weather does, of course, make for discomfort, but that's going to be the case with any LSA. My hangar-mate flew his Savvy XL to Alice and back recently and thoroughly enjoyed it. Cheers, Neil
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