Hi Guy. My regular local fly is along this coast - usually YBSS - YTQY - YWBL - YBSS (or a tweaked version) so I know the area reasonably well. It is correct you do get low cloud along this area but equally, it often is clear just off the coast due to the ranges running along it, so you can still get a fabulous fly/view on an otherwise cloudy day.
YTQY & YBRS are usually quite busy on weekends with Parachute and Joy flight activity so care is needed. Once past Anglesea however, you’re pretty right to (respectfully) kick back and enjoy the view. It is certainly a good one and well worth the effort.
Additionally, there is lots of very easily accessible inland alternates - YOLA, YBSS, YBLT that are all within 40mins with very low MSALT between each and good accom/facilities/coffee/pubs at each, if needed.
Hope this is helpful & have fun!