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dazza 38

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Everything posted by dazza 38

  1. I not sure Jet whether it means the electronic version is successful or not. It could be taken on face value as yes it is successful because not many have taken up the paper offer . But we don't know how many are out there like me who simply decided not to read the electronic version or buy the paper copy.
  2. Oh no, not at all Peter would never do such a thing. I am just trying the get my head around an 100 hp aircraft with that speed range. It sounds awesome and it will sell very well. Well I do think importers are going to struggle a bit until the aussie dollar goes back up.
  3. Yeah thats what I meant.
  4. Magazine, what magazine. Oh hang on, you mean the faux magazine , the claytons magazine. The magazine you have when you don't realy have a magazine. ( unless you pay through the nose for it).
  5. Fair enough, but myself being a member on and off since 1987 don't really see why we have to pay a yearly fee to fly where GA guys dont.
  6. Yeah I dunno either, look at the ridicule Lance Armstrong went through when he was on drugs, and he rode to victory. When I was on drugs, I couldn't even find my farken bike.
  7. Me too, sounds too good to be true. Call me sceptical, but having a aircraft trade, it sounds a bit fishy to me. But if it is true, awesome.
  8. Yeah but you could also be flying without being a member if the RAA if CASA lifted their game. Even you can work that out.
  9. Im still trying to work out whether Ada is a boy/girl, but going by the Avatar, im wondering whether it is a straight dog or a gay dog going by the rainbow. Or a dog that keeps spelling licence as license. I dunno, it is very confusing. Each to their own.
  10. Since CASA have been on a free ride over the years when it comes to coughing up cash to the RAA. Why dont you just issue every body with a current pilot certificate a like for like CASA pilot certificate with none of the bull crap of the RPL. Its not hard guys. Then we all can be on a level playing field, last time I checked, PPL holders didn't have to be a member of any organisation.
  11. I have a great idea to keep the partners of pilots happy and occupied at Ausfly. How about some cooking classes and knitting classes. That will be very popular I reckon.
  12. Jeeze, either the guys in the video are giants or the plane is an over grown RC model.
  13. Agree, I wonder what the MTOW will be.
  14. I read the first electronic magazine, I don't think I will bother reading any more. I buy and read the aviator magazine though, so I suggest the Raa convey important information via that magazine.
  15. I was surprised by the photos showing a lot of pax on the tarmac carrying hand luggage. What ever happen to leave your luggage behind and evacuate ?
  16. Bravo for the cabin crew for doing err, their job.
  17. From an outsider looking in, I will have to assume that with risk management that all of us are surrounded in these days. I'm sure they would have looked at the weather very closely and then made a risk assessment. Unfortunately, these things happen and I don't think anybody in particular should or will wear the blame.
  18. Evans Head
  19. Welcome Sean
  20. Typical dumb ass media, you cannot expect them to get all information correct.
  21. Welcome Denis
  22. Looking on the bright side, hangar spaces at Heck field are as rare as rocking horse poo. There soon may be an opening.
  23. Welcome mate
  24. Welcome icthus8
  25. Welcome Volmer
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