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dazza 38

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Everything posted by dazza 38

  1. 35 sqn with their Spartan aircraft are only staying at Richmond until their new facility is built at Amberley. They are due to move in 2017 to Amberley.
  2. There was talk about RAAF Base Richmond being turned into a civilian field back when I joined the RAAF in 1998. That was soon knocked on the head so here we are nearly 20 years later and it is still knocked on the head. Amberley will be getting the Spartans in 2017 but until then, they will be staying in Richmond. The Hercs will also be staying in Richmond. The reason we have fighters at Willytown is because they can train in fighter combat out to sea and also play with the Navy.
  3. No, not difficult at all, should be a 30 second conversion. Just do it and and don't think about it.
  4. I don't know Ian Bent at all, but after reading various posts from various members here, he sounds like a top bloke who is prepared to help everybody. I wish him well in his endevours and I really hope his business grows and prospers. We need guys like him in aviation. Best of luck to him.
  5. I went flying last Wednesday and it was a great flight. Thanks.
  6. Yep sorry, I though to were going the other way around. My bad.
  7. Nah piece of cake, fly coastal down the coast to Bribie, cross Morton bay to Nth Stradbroke. Track south until Jacobs well, fly direct to Boonah, cross the great via Cunninghams Gap or the valley just north of Mount Barney that tracks towards Killarney. Then track south to Dubbo via Warick.
  8. A certain CFI in Tasmania.
  9. Really ? I thought it was going to take 5 years from now for the reclaimed sand to stabilise before they could lay the tarmac. 5 years is great.
  10. I would agree if the above was going to happen but the RAAF will not give up their bases and I doubt very much they will allow expansion of the currrent Willytown use by civilians. Also curfews are a political hot potato as well.
  11. Brisbane will, be able to take international flights from Sydney after the second runway is completed but that is about 10 years away from completion.
  12. Not a fuel exhaustion problem by having empty tanks from what I have been told.
  13. It was a fuel feed problem.
  14. Yup that is exactly how it works up here. Amphibian pilots in QLD must also have an Marine recreational licence. All boating laws apply when the aircraft is on the water.
  15. In QLD you can take off and land in coastal areas like the Gold Coast spit. Moreton Bay ect. You cannot however take off and/or land on government owned dams like Wivenhoe. I was told this an Amphib pilot. So it is probably correct but I do not have it in writing.
  16. Good idea Nev, but Williamtown being a RAAF Base , will never allow it to happen.
  17. The trouble is, is that Sydney really needs another airport and Badgerys Creek is the best location for it.
  18. When it was a fad and nearly everybody had a bread maker back in the early nineties. It was nice to wake up to the smell of freshly made bread.
  19. It probably sounds racist because I am racist.
  20. Who gives a $hit about the Indo's, they are nothing more than corrupt monkeys.
  21. In QLD as soon as a amphib aircraft hits the water it becomes a speed boat. I'm sure he has a recreational marine licence . Maybe he should have landed sooner.
  22. It looked like a amphibian on the news when it happened. The guy was interviewed on the news, he said he has 2500 hours or so. It seems like a knee jerk reaction to me.
  23. I was under the impression that they are getting paid off before they leave indonesian waters with the full backing of Indonesia.
  24. You would obviously check the area forcast if going long distance.
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