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dazza 38

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Everything posted by dazza 38

  1. Welcome Taine, there are plenty of stories here.
  2. When I had 85 hours up, (20 years ago) I had a 10 year break and then completed a BFR over 2 sessions, 1.8 hours total time in an aircaft I have never flown before. Flying came naturally to me.
  3. It took me 12.9 hours to solo & I soloed in Austflight Drifter BUT I flew 2 hours in a Piper Tomahawk and 1 hour in a TW Lightwing in that 12.9 hours. Over a 3 year period. Passed my AUF certificate in a LSA Jabiru . I like to fly different aeroplanes.
  4. My first solo was in a 503 powered Drifter in 1990. To be honest, I don't remember much of it these days. Only fragments.
  5. Welcome Andy, I watched the Lancaster flying when I was in Toronto whilst on holidays last year.
  6. I stay in Millmerran every now and again for work. Lovely little town.
  7. There is a company there who assemble the Vans kits to the quick build stage. Probably the same mob.
  8. I really enjoyed flying the Savage Cub cruiser when one was available for hire at my local airfield a few years ago. Great fun.
  9. Yeah but you guys can still have semi automatic rifles ect. The law abiding citizen here in Oz got burnt by a Prime minister who was was full of himself and he suffered from small man syndrome.
  10. Or that could stop being tight arses.
  11. Well they can give a million to the RAA.
  12. Thank You Andy for all your efforts and I wish you all the best finding a new job.
  13. Also Dan Johnson has flown it and had praised it. His video is on youtube.
  14. It MAY be possible to be legal in QLD if the person holds a Theatrical Ordnance Supplier licence. I put may in capitals because I am not 100 percent sure whether it would be kosher or not.
  15. Welcome Paul , I hope you enjoy your new ride.
  16. Nice idea but I would hope most businesses have a defibrillator handy. We have them in multiple locations at work.
  17. Actually, I will bet my left nut on it. I just checked their web site, it has black rocker covers and the exhaust looks exactly the same.
  18. Looks like a UL Power 6 cylinder.
  19. I dunno why CASA go out of their way to act like wankers, everybody knows that they are, no need to prove it.
  20. If you have any luck, contact the american company direct. Great look aeroplane. There was one for sale for 65 k on the RAA members market a while ago. Bargain IMO.
  21. There is no need to complicate things. Regardless of what is done, there will always be road fatalities and aviation fatalities. Sure the numbers can be reduced by education and training but humans being humans by nature. There will never be a zero fatality rate. We are kidding ourselves if we think that there can be a zero fatality rate.
  22. Welcome Kay
  23. Drowning is seen as a humane way of killing wild cats, some councils even supply the cages to put the cats in. The idea is to fill a wheelie bin up with water, open the lid then drop the cage with cat included into the water and then close the lid. I actually think that head shooting them is better but with the current gun laws, it is easier to drown them. Before all the city folk get upset. Wild cats MUST be destroyed, well up here in QLD. I assume the other states have similar laws.
  24. Nah, they couldnt police it. Not 3000 individuals. Besides im sure we have some individuals amongst our ranks that are high ranking in political circles. It would simply be easier to take over and issue a CASA pilot certificate.
  25. Because Im pretty sure 3000 aircraft owners wont just lay down and not fly their aeroplanes. They will fly them anyway.
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