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dazza 38

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Everything posted by dazza 38

  1. Welcome Joe:wave:
  2. Welcome Joachim
  3. Welcome mate
  4. Welcome Simon
  5. I hope he doesnt stay in business for too long.
  6. If what Dafydd says is proved correct, the RAA will lose a shipload of members.
  7. I have used a can of start ya bastard on mowers but never on aeroplanes.
  8. All our critical systems like flight controls, fuel system etc had 3 inspection sign offs. Tradesman, Progressive Inspector then lastly the Independent inspector. Even with all of these safety steps in place nothing is infallible. But it is pretty close.
  9. They must not have been installed or not installed correctly. My 12 years working on military aircraft I never once found a cotter pin missing. It must be s civilian thing.
  10. Even though all factory aircraft use nyloc nuts in certain applications, there is no denying the fact that a castle nut with a cotter pin is more secure than a nyloc nut.
  11. Yup just saw that on nine news.
  12. Apparently it's going ahead as long as there in no hail or lightning in the vicinity.
  13. Welcome Rich
  14. I will admit that I didn't like the Australian version. I only watched of couple of the shows when it came out.
  15. I'm more worried about spending 12 years as a plumber smelling glue and being coated in PVC primer which is actually MEK on a daily basis for all that time. Plus the 8.5 years working on F111's, I'm surprised I am actually still alive.
  16. We loved to wake up to the smell of Turbine fuel in the morning.
  17. I see channel 9 has Top gear on, I watched that episode last year via Street fire. Ratings are corrupted.
  18. Old news, I have been paid out 10 grand tax free years ago. Time will tell if I am effected .
  19. They have a FB page as well
  20. I dunno about loosing everything, but maybe losing everything. As I have said before though, the more the RAA jack up the fees or in this case, keep the fees the same but remove the magazine. People are going to get a bit jacked off and say stick it RAA and fly regardless if they are members or if their aircraft are registered.
  21. My name is Daryl not Darren
  22. I don't read the newspapers. Only the local community newspaper once per week.
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