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dazza 38

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Everything posted by dazza 38

  1. Apparently it is a Light blue coloured Jab with a red stripe. I put the feelers out and I was told this and of course this is not confirmed. Yets hope for a good out come.
  2. I reckon the photo of the Jab is just a representation of a light aircraft. Not the aircraft that is missing.
  3. Richard and James have not renewed their contracts after the contracts ran out at the end of last month. So as it stands at the moment, there is currently no presenters for top gear.
  4. I have always thought about doing a aviation themed bar / restaurant at an airport. But I don't think it would be profitable.
  5. Cant you use your work one ? Or isn't that allowed ?
  6. I don't think people are avoiding flying into flyins because they are not doing the right thing. It's more the case of they don't want to get dicked around by crasha. It's a bit of a joke really, I mean you don't see police pulling cars over after a trip checking to see if the driver is carrying maps. If a pilot manages to get him or herself to a flyin 400 nm away in one piece from their departure point, who gives a toss how he/she worked out how to navigate to there.
  7. IRT the moon landings, Stanley Kubrick filmed a 'version' of the moon landings in the Pinewood studio in London. The word on the street is that it was filmed in case the real footage didn't work out. Who knows ?
  8. Off thread but the J160 for sale on the RAA site from Vic looks awesome with the graphics down the fuselage sides. The one registered 24- 5547
  9. The trouble with Chinchilla is that the developers moved in building a lot of houses when most people knew that once the CSG construction projects were built, the construction workers would move on. QGC has their head quarters there which helps a bit. I spend a fair bit of time in Chinchilla when on shift buying bits and pieces. We also employ a lot a locals. But there is a massive difference between a town supporting operations and maintenance and construction to now just being operations and maintenance. The town has grown heaps in the last 3 years with there now being a KFC and Maccas. I have noticed that the roads are very quiet compared to the peak of construction when the roads were very busy.
  10. It's pretty hard for people in the Newcastle and the Hunter Valley to complain about noise comming from RAAF Williamtown when the base was established in 1941.
  11. I would guess that the red circle is around the static port.
  12. Welcome Zenith
  13. My fault, stupid fingers,
  14. When 38 Sqn moved to Amberley ( and later on to Townsville) , in the ninties. It kind of made sense to move the other Sqns to Amberley as Brisbane has a big Army base at Enoggera . Contrary to what FT thinks, the defence force does not have a endless money pit. There was serious considerations at the time but nothing eventuated.
  15. It happens all the time, as a example, Windor 68 keeps giving me ' optimistic' for my posts IRT to CSG but I think he means to give me ,informative'.
  16. Very nice, the plane's not bad either.
  17. Welcome mate
  18. Richmond was discussed a few time back when I was in the RAAF. I have never been there but apparently the runway cannot be extended for some reason or another.
  19. Great, get the Wagners to build it on time or under and on budget.
  20. Ha ha, that's humour. I recognise that. Hows your Jab going ?
  21. Slan sided fuselage aircraft sideslip well. It's a great manouver that seems to be not used by a lot of pilots.
  22. You will get his bias report in about 3 weeks time.
  23. So have you served in the RAAF or been employed by CASA ?
  24. Welcome Gary
  25. And who are going to replace the others?
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