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dazza 38

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Everything posted by dazza 38

  1. I dont see the funny side, the pilot is a wanker for doing that.
  2. Maybe the ASIC mob are doing quick turn arounds because a lot of pilots have woken up to the fact that the ASIC is a rip off and they are not renewing.
  3. Back in my Air force days, gunnies overhauled ejection seats. They come under the umbrella of avionics technicians these days I think. Over the years the discussion has come up in regards to ex military aircraft on the civilian register and their ejection seats being disabled. This has been done because of CASA's stupid regulations. People have died who may have been alive today if the ejection seats were armed. Here is an idea CASA, potential lives could be saved if RAAF qualified airman could be allowed to overhaul ejection seats on civilian registered jets as long as they have the right equipment and did it on their own time. Ya never know, a life maybe saved.
  4. Some times peeps have to put the shovel down and climb out of the hole.
  5. With all the asic and other crap going on, I would be very surprised if there was not more phantoms around the place.
  6. Howdy Dick
  7. A similar thing has happened to me. I didnt realise until Teck asked my why I gave him a funny for a post. It was purely finger trouble.
  8. Agree, there is no point IMO pulling the power at 50 feet with a lot of runway available. It has to be pulled on up wind and at a point where making it back to the runway is simply not an option.
  9. So basically, pilots can practise EFATO until the cows come home knowing subconsciously full well that when practising, they have the engine at idle and can use it . When it actually happens for real, its a lottery on how the pilot is going to react regardless of experience.
  10. Hi all, My decision isn't because of the passing of Ross, it is more to do with us having more than our fair share of accidents over the last couple of years and sometimes we as individuals need to ask ourselves when is it time to walk away. I think I will take a break for a few months then I will reassess how I feel about it all.
  11. In your opinion, which is fair enough.
  12. When I was an Airframe fitter / aircraft technician on the General Dynamics F111 for eight and a half years I had the imperial system down pat. Then I worked on the Tornado which was metric. I have pretty much forgotten most of the imperial sizes. By that I mean. I could look at a ring spanner and tell what size it was without reading it. I can't do that now.
  13. I have been thinking the same Brad. I have been giving it some real thought and I think that it is time for me to hang up the headset for good. Over the last couple of years I have only been averaging an hour per month which is just barely remaining current. What scares me is that we have lost some very experienced pilots with thousands of hours and who fly multiple times per week.What chances have I got with my currency? Not much I reckon. Besides motorcycle riding takes up a lot of my time and I have been doing that for 35 years.
  14. It was great to meet you again Graham.
  15. RIP mate, I am going too miss you. My condolences to your family.
  16. I am leaving home now. I will be in a White Nissan Patrol ute.
  17. For the guys riding,driving. You take the Biddaddaba road which runs off the Mundooland Canungra Connection road. Then on top a crest, there is a turn off call The four mile lane, travel along that to lot 15. Then follow the dirt road to the hangars. I nearly got cleaned up at the four mile lane intersection a few years ago on my bike. Becareful.
  18. I will be driving out to say good day.I have been there a few times before.
  19. If anybody is refused the right for membership then CASA would have to issue a them a certificate as the RAA currently has an monopoly in regards to ultralight flying.
  20. With that many hours, you may as well sit the CPL test.
  21. Welcome Paul
  22. SIDS have made Cessna 150's an expensive aircraft to own.
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